Home / News / 352 Bills Proposed in GA House, 150 Bills on GA Senate

352 Bills Proposed in GA House, 150 Bills on GA Senate

  • 352 pro­posed bills in the GA House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives. You have law­mak­ers that think that Speak­er Ral­ston is not there and are test­ing Jon Burns to see if he will allow bills on the floor. Also there is let’s slam the 352 bills on the floor to con­fuse the pub­lic. We will put togeth­er a list of bills that need to be read. They arent done drop­ping bills. HB 233 men­tal health, HB200 rank choice vot­ings, HB246 pro­bate judges.
  • The GA state sen­ate. There are mem­bers in con­gress that are respectable and almost trust­wor­thy. The sen­ate has 150 bills on the floor.
  • SB141 — pro­hibit­ing alter­ing a per­son­’s appear­ance refer­ring to gen­der on minors. In this bill it does­nt have crim­i­nal teeth to the bill. It does mean that the physi­cian could lose their license. They dropped this bill on Fri­day and there isnt an out­rage by the AJC, there is some­thing wrong here. If there were teeth in this bill there would be arti­cles and news cycles. Right now there isnt a lot of fire behind these.
  • SB 140 — pro­hib­it cer­tain sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dures. There are 22 sign­ers on this bill. It is only about 6 pages long.
  • It seems like these bills are just to appease and noth­ing to have teeth. Read 140 and 141. Lets not let them pass the bills just to make us believe they are doing some­thing to pro­tect our kids

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