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Biden Shooting Down Everything? Are We Headed To WWIII?

  • Dis­ney offi­cial­ly los­es con­trol of Reedy Creek devel­op­ment in land­slide Flori­da Sen­ate Vote. They are no longer a city. They are now just like any oth­er city in FL. 
  • Last week was the nation­al gov­er­nors asso­ci­a­tion meet­ing in DC. 
  • 3 objects shot down over the week­end. The peo­ple in MT are not hap­py and John Tester is not hap­py. We have weath­er bal­loons in the air, planes, pri­vate planes, we are scram­bling because of Joe Biden’s and Justin Trudeau’s fail­ure that we are shoot­ing every­thing. Why didn’t we remain vig­i­lant last week with the spy bal­loon. The Yukon ter­ri­to­ry made its way into Mon­tana and drift­ed across the coun­try to the shores of SC and now we are look­ing vig­i­lant and want­i­ng an abun­dance of cau­tion. We can’t let our gov­ern­ment lie to us like they do and let them get away with it. If you look at the path­way of the first bal­loon and there wasn’t a con­cern. We let Chi­na com­plete the mis­sion and now we can shoot every­thing out of the sky. 
  • Chi­na detects uniden­ti­fied objects enter­ing its air­space near nuclear naval bases and prepar­ing to shoot it down. 
  • In a white house brief­ing they did not dis­cuss the inci­dents until a reporter brought it up. Schumer goes on and says that the han­dling of the first bal­loon was to get an enor­mous amount of intel­li­gence and it was shot down over water and now we can col­lect it. These are the peo­ple that lie to you with every­thing that comes out of their mouths. We shot it down over water so we could cre­ate a perime­ter and not allow any­one to find any­thing. If it came down over land, some­one could find some­thing before the gov­ern­ment and get some­thing that they don’t want you to know what was in the sky. 
  • Biden is head­ing to Poland. Every­thing is head­ing to WWIII. The Chi­nese are upset that we are putting bases in the Philip­pines and McCarthy is going to Taiwan. 

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