Home / News / BKP on Football, Unidentified Objects, SB57 Sports Betting, GA GOP Chair

BKP on Football, Unidentified Objects, SB57 Sports Betting, GA GOP Chair

  • BKP talks foot­ball. The com­mer­cials last night were all about elec­tric vehi­cles. Most expen­sive super bowl ad was $7M. Why does­nt the NFL unite the coun­try rather than try­ing to con­tin­ue to divide the coun­try?
  • Tes­la com­peti­tor funds Super Bowl ad to ban self dri­ving vehi­cles.
  • Why now is the Biden Admin­is­tra­tion shoot­ing down uniden­ti­fied objects? They are not telling us unless they are asked. If there were bal­loons in the air dur­ing the Trump admin­is­tra­tion, Trump was­nt told about it. The Mil­i­tary has shot down 3 uniden­ti­fied objects.
  • SB 57 — 58 page bill — Geor­gia Sports Bet­ting Integri­ty Act. If we do not have orga­nized crime oper­at­ing in GA today, this bill will guar­an­tee that we have orga­nized crime oper­at­ing in GA. This bill cre­ates the GA state gov­ern­ment as orga­nized crime.
  • Fet­ter­man is sup­posed to be out of the hos­pi­tal. He did not have anoth­er stroke.
  • David Shafer is not run­ning for GOP chair. There are 3 that are run­ning for GOP chair in GA. Cur­rent­ly Rebec­ca Yard­ley, Den­nis Futch, Josh McK­oons

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