Home / News / ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL on the HOC, China, ChatGPT, Disney, GA SB141

ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL on the HOC, China, ChatGPT, Disney, GA SB141

  • MTG is going after Twit­ter for sus­pend­ing her account while leav­ing kid pornog­ra­phy on the plat­form. While MSNBC cut the seg­ments to fit the nar­ra­tive. And the Amer­i­can peo­ple arent get­ting the full sto­ry. How can con­ser­v­a­tives get past the fil­ter?
  • The House Over­sight Com­mit­tee is chaired by James Com­er (R‑KY). It was cre­at­ed by House Lead­er­ship to make mon­ey for the par­ty chair. To cre­ate sound bites to raise mon­ey for the par­ty. It does­nt not exist to stop cor­rup­tion. It presents the illu­sion of account­abil­i­ty. The HOC is a the­ater. It has no juris­dic­tion over any­thing. Frames the nar­ra­tive to sound­bites and push to the media. We nev­er see an end to the issues and no results. They nev­er apply account­abil­i­ty to the issue. No one will be held account­able in Twit­ter and the FBI.
  • Brus­sels makes the deci­sions and DC is the the­ater.
  • Zelen­sky heads over to the EU and France and address­es EU par­lia­ment and Biden is head­ed to Poland.
  • The Amer­i­can peo­ple have had it. The com­mit­tee is devel­oped. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are watch­ing and demand­ing action. If repub­li­cans dont pull it off this time, what then?
  • You would think by watch­ing the media the democ­rats are still in con­trol.
  • John Tester in MT was upset. We could have shot down the Spy Bal­loon before float­ing across the coun­try. We did­nt shoot it down over farm­land. We will nev­er know the debris that we pull out from the water. But if it was shot down over land a farmer could have got­ten to the debris before the gov­ern­ment. Chi­na has been float­ing the bal­loon all over and they com­plete their mis­sion.
  • Chi­na is prepar­ing for war. Chi­na has switched pro­duc­tion lines in the fac­to­ries.
  • MT passed a bill, you can mis­gen­der class­mates.
  • Chat­G­PT is run­ning as fast as it can be. The appli­ca­tion passed the test to be a doc­tor. It is a search engine. This will sur­pass Google search. Google stock has dropped because they tried to enter their chat­bot and it did­nt work. Microsoft has Chat­G­PT and it is work­ing. This is the biggest bite where we wont need peo­ple to do jobs any­more.
  • FL tak­ing over Mick­ey and Min­nie’s House. The biggest prob­lem is that Dis­ney cant move. Dis­ney has their own gov­ern­ment and does­n’t abide by the rules of Flori­da. Dis­ney is going through wokeism. They have changed 15 rides. They are going to cleanse them­selves of a lot of the things that offend peo­ple.
  • SB141 does deal with tran­si­tion and trans­gen­ders and puber­ty block­ers. OK has HB1011 which caused a major out­break, insur­rec­tion of the cap­i­tal. HB1 in TN, Matt Walsh tes­ti­fied in TN. Matt Walsh did such a great job lay­ing the infor­ma­tion out.
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