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The Balloon Fiasco is the Focus of Mainstream Media

  • BKP is run­ning for the GA GOP State 1st Vice Chair. Con­cerned that the estab­lish­ment will go after BKP and tam­per with the del­e­gates. Maybe pay for hotel bills.
  • We talked about Chi­na and Rus­sia. 50 plus mem­ber s of con­gress in Ger­many at a secu­ri­ty con­fer­ence
  • The size of it its so slow and so small the pilot cant see it. They scram­bled 3 jets to take out recre­ation­al objects. You cant let the bal­loon cri­sis go because Biden is in Ukraine. The cit­i­zens of the US have not been told what the orig­i­nal bal­loon was. Avril Hanes direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence laughs about the bal­loon and we are on the brink of a world war.
  • Chi­na has been in sur­veil­lance of 40 coun­tries as rou­tine. The mil­i­tary has been erod­ed sig­nif­i­cant­ly. There is sur­veil­lance of the US by Chi­na like no oth­er. And the top spy chief laughed at the sit­u­a­tion.
  • Some­one knew all along and some­one did­nt tell some­body. What would the mil­i­tary cor­rupt com­plex, the war mon­gers, and what would they hide from the com­man­der in chief? The mis­sion was com­plet­ed before the bal­loon was shot down.
  • The Amer­i­can peo­ple are in shock. Over the admin­is­tra­tion han­dling of the bal­loon, the bor­der, the attack on our chil­dren, the deaths from fen­tanyl,
  • Blinken said they recal­i­brat­ed the radar. If we recal­i­brat­ed our radar and these objects are in com­mer­cial air­space. You do release we have com­mer­cial radar in our air­space and you dont have the com­plaints on the research bal­loons.
  • Keep in mind that our gov­ern­ment did not tell us about the bal­loon it was spot­ted by a cit­i­zen in MT. We find out that this has hap­pened 4 oth­er times. Now you con­tin­ue to lie about recal­i­brat­ing our radars.
  • Fet­ter­man vol­un­tar­i­ly admit­ted to the hos­pi­tal for depres­sion. The oth­er sen­a­tor in PA had surgery for prostate can­cer. So PA is not being rep­re­sent­ed in the Sen­ate.

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