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What Does Jake Sullivan Have To Do With Nord Stream 2 Pipeline

  • Nik­ki Haley grabbed all the high­lights on the morn­ing shows. Accord­ing to Lemon on CNN she is past her prime when she says that politi­cians over 75 need men­tal test­ing. Don Lemon is no longer on the net­work.
  • Kamala Har­ris is in Munich Ger­many say­ing these are crimes on human­i­ty.
  • How can we trust this gov­ern­ment with any­thing?
  • How Amer­i­ca took out the Nord Stream pipeline. Jake Sul­li­van mint­ed for the group to come up with a plan for the destruc­tion of the pipeline. Remem­ber Biden said they will not have a pipeline. WH says the alle­ga­tions on Nord Stream pipeline are false
  • Jake Sul­li­van, Oba­ma, Hillary Clin­ton. Jake Sul­li­van ran the nar­ra­tive with the media with the Rus­sia col­lu­sion delu­sion with Alpha Bank. James Bak­er with the FBI.
  • Trump would beat DeSan­tis in the head to head pri­ma­ry by 13 points. Right now, it looks like Trump will be the nom­i­nee. The big rea­son BKP is run­ning for GA GOP 1st Vice Chair is that BKP is deter­mined that Trump wins the state of GA. Don­ald Trump lost GA because of the nev­er-Trumpers who pre­tend­ed to like and sup­port Trump.

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