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Can We Keep Up With The Level Of Corruption?

  • An OH pizze­ria sparked a debate after post­ing a job ad that calls only for non-sup­tid peo­ple.
  • It is unknown if we can ever keep up with the lev­el of cor­rup­tion in the world and what they are doing to the peo­ple.
  • It is not unusu­al that a Trans­porta­tion sec­re­tary vis­its the site of a train derail­ment but what they are miss­ing is the con­fi­dence in the admin­is­tra­tion is not there.
  • Yes­ter­day we talked about Amaz­ing Joe. The state of the union, Ukraine, the train trip and the air raid sirens, and goes to poland. it s not for con­ser­v­a­tives, it is for the democ­rats. It is to bring the poll num­bers up. He almost does it but he cant get up the steps. This is the guy that has the courage to ride the train for 10 hours in a war zone but he cant get up the steps.
  • Pete Buttigieg and his hus­band are out on a date. Reporter asked about his response to the OH train dis­as­ter. He final­ly con­firms he will vis­it today. Remem­ber Max­ine Waters says it is ok to go after repub­li­cans. How many times have you seen MTG get pep­pered with attacks, but it is ok. They dec­i­mate your life, there are peo­ple that have to sell their homes, look at Gen. Michael Flinn. There are attacks even amongst repub­li­cans.
  • There isnt a DA in the right mind that will put the woman that is the fore­woman on the Ful­ton Coun­ty Grand Jury. If this is the wacko on the grand jury who else is on the jury. The oth­er mem­bers of the grand jury picked her. And you dont think they wont set out to destroy you.
  • Either we stand behind our peo­ple or we dont.
  • Trump buys McDon­alds for East Pales­tine res­i­dents and first respon­ders.
  • It does­nt add up.. Death of Epstien-linked Clin­ton aide found shot tied to a tree rules sui­cide despite no gun found at crime scene.

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