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BKPs Weekend in Washington DC and Pennsylvania

  • BKP talks about his week­end in Wash­ing­ton DC and in PA. Repub­li­cans should not be los­ing elec­tions. Our mes­sag­ing is wrong. We are allow­ing the media to set the nar­ra­tive for so many issues.
  • Dr Fau­ci pro­mot­ed the draft­ing of the pub­li­cans that would dis­cov­er the lab leak the­o­ry. What is he hid­ing? Amer­i­cans are pre­pared to do some­thing that will nev­er allow the COVID pan­dem­ic to hap­pen again with the mask­ing and lock­downs.
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd gui­tarist Gary Ross­ing­ton has died at 71, the last sur­viv­ing mem­ber.
  • If you are con­cerned about the bor­der and fen­tanyl and the cri­sis of hav­ing ille­gals in your neigh­bor­hood. Tom Homan, for­mer ICE direc­tor, has already told Trump he will step right back into his role under the Trump admin­is­tra­tion with­out a pay­check.
  • MI has an open sen­ate seat. Kristi­na Karo­ma is the new MI GOP chair.
  • Ed the Truck­er spent 10K vs 2.5million
  • Bry­on Don­alds is an amaz­ing per­son.
  • Stan Fitzger­ald is vice chair for the Lega­cy PAC. He is going around the coun­try look­ing for Amer­i­ca First can­di­dates.
  • The war mon­gers are going off the rails because Trump went into the war say­ing that he would end the war in one day.
  • Ger­manys Olaf Scholz is meet­ing with Biden. It is very qui­et this morn­ing that Olaf was at the oval office last Fri­day. Where is their plan, what is the meet­ing about? How come no media is hold­ing Biden to the fire for a plan to end the war? Atlantas Cop City is under attack. And Jan6 was a hoax. And Gar­land the Attor­ney Gen­er­al of the USA is in Ukraine.
  • Some­thing bad-wrong with the train derail­ments.
  • Trump: I am your ret­ri­bu­tion.

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