Home / Shows / Why BKP Is Running For GA GOP 1st Vice Chair And His Commitment To Grassroots

Why BKP Is Running For GA GOP 1st Vice Chair And His Commitment To Grassroots

  • In GA, we refuse for 2024 to hap­pen like 2020. If the del­e­gates elect BKP as 1st Vice Chair, he will sign the agree­ment to elect repub­li­cans into office. There are can­di­dates that are run­ning for the Chair that BKP can work with and dont want to bat­tle with. BKP can get the inside scoop and give you the infor­ma­tion on what is hap­pen­ing.
  • BKP will work with every 159 Coun­ty GOP and have his full sup­port to get repub­li­cans elect­ed unlike the cur­rent chair or any­thing else run­ning.
  • Are you aware we have an elec­tion integri­ty cau­cus in Wash­ing­ton DC? Yes­ter­day was an elec­tion integri­ty round­table meet­ing. With more than 60 mem­bers of con­gress the elec­tion integri­ty cau­cus is the only cau­cus in con­gress­es devot­ed only to restor­ing faith in demo­c­ra­t­ic process in elec­tions.
  • Yes­ter­day Gaber­i­al Ster­ling with the GA SOS spoke at the Elec­tion Integri­ty Cau­cus say­ing that GA leads the nation in elec­tion security.It is time for Con­gress to make laws to fed­er­al­ize elec­tion laws
  • MTG may be the first per­son from GA to sit that close to Gabe Ster­ling. She brought up the dead vot­ers, bla­tant fraud, the recount found 2000 votes for Trump in a tiny Floyd coun­ty. Why arent we look­ing at Gabe Ster­ling, he was an employ­ee of the Sec­re­tary of State and had some bear­ing on the pur­chase of the domin­ion vot­ing machines and then domin­ion makes the largest imple­men­ta­tion of vot­ing sys­tems in GA and domin­ion hires Gabe Ster­ling as a sub­con­trac­tor of Domin­ion imple­men­ta­tion man­ag­er. When he talked to the nation dur­ing the elec­tion count in 2020 he was rep­re­sent­ing Domin­ion. Now he is back as the Chief oper­at­ing offi­cer for the sec­re­tary of states office.
  • GA has some tamped down qui­et elec­tions recent­ly.
  • Only true grass­roots can­di­date for GA 1st Vice chair, Elect BKP to have some­one on the inside that will pre­vent from what hap­pened in 2020 to repeat in 2024.

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