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They Are Studying Your Kids

  • The peo­ple of buck­head want their own city. Could be up for a vote Today. It is freak­ing peo­ple out includ­ing Kemp for pulling their tax base from Atlanta. They want to use their tax to fund their own police, schools, etc. Kemp admin­is­tra­tion raised con­cerns that Buck­e­had could vio­late a range of GA laws. They are try­ing every­thing to stop it.
  • Mur­daugh jury mur­der tri­al hap­pen­ing in South Car­oli­na hap­pen­ing today.
  • NY teacher manip­u­lat­ed fifth grade stu­dents into chang­ing gen­der with­out par­ents con­sent.
  • Maine sixth grade stu­dent reads from a porno­graph­ic LGBT book he found in the school library dur­ing a school board meet­ing and revealed the librar­i­an asked if he want­ed a graph­ic ver­sion.
  • They are study­ing your kids.
  • Chi­na warns Elon Musk not to bite the hand that feeds you after the Tes­la chief who sells 40% of his cars in Chi­na after Elon posts a mes­sage that the virus came from Wuhan.
  • Iran could make mate­ri­als for nuclear bombs in 12 days.
  • FBI direc­tor con­firms covid most like­ly leaked from wuhan lab and claims chi­na is thwart­ing and obfus­ca­tion US inves­ti­ga­tions into the virus days after ener­gy departhem revealed shock report.

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