Home / Shows / Blinken In Central Asia Begging As China Is Making Deals With Belarus

Blinken In Central Asia Begging As China Is Making Deals With Belarus

  • BKP is run­ning for 1st Vice Chair of GA GOP
  • MTG on behalf of pres­i­dent trump and all of his vot­ers in GA here is a gift. This is what I had to say to Gabe Ster­ling today.
  • Josh Shapiro is being asked about John Fet­ter­man. He has not served a com­plete day since being elect­ed to the Sen­ate for PA. What length will they go through to stop Trump and steal an elec­tion? He got sworn in at the State of the Union address and then went into hos­pi­tal with clin­i­cal depres­sion. The wife and kids have fled to Cana­da.
  • They have tamped down the nar­ra­tive on elec­tions in GA with SB202. But that is the calm before the storm.
  • FDA pan­el green lights world first RSV vac­cine made by Pfiz­er for Amer­i­cans over 60 but warns of small risk of Guil­lain Barre syn­drome.
  • Blinken warns Chi­na against lethal aid to rus­sia. When Clin­ton was Sec of State it was an oppor­tune time to go around the world and steal mon­ey. Biden was VP dur­ing an oppor­tune time to go around the world and steal mon­ey. Trump squashed it. Blinken is try­ing to clean the mess up. Blinkin is in Kaza­khstan and beg­ging them and let­ting them know that this is where the major war starts with Chi­na and Rus­sia on each side. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion is pledg­ing to sup­port the inde­pen­dence of the five cen­tral asian nations. Blinken is warn­ing them. This region is hear­ing about a peace plan that Chi­na is offer­ing.
  • Biden goes to Kyiv, Poland, Bucharest 9. Janet Yellen is there in the war zone deliv­er­ing the cash. And Blinken shows up in Cen­tral asia. Chi­na is mak­ing deals and the Biden admin­is­tra­tion is scram­bling to stop the deals.
  • Belaru­sian pres­i­dent Lukashenko meets with Chi­nas pres­i­dent xi. Rus­sia put equip­ment in Belarus and Rus­sia wants to annex Belarus. Chi­na sends a diplo­mat­ic group to Rus­sia and a peace plan is released. While in Belarus Lukashenko will meet with top Chi­na cor­po­ra­tions
  • All of a sud­den we have a select com­mit­tee to hate Chi­na. While chi­na is plac­ing their chess pieces strate­gi­cal­ly.
  • Zelen­sky tells US that if we dont do as we are told then we will have to send our kids and they will die.
  • It cant get any worse that it is right now, and we have Biden in charge.
  • The US blun­ders that caused the rapid col­lapse of Afghanistan after 20 years and 90B in fund­ing. Gov­ern­ment reports slam Pen­tagons abrupt with­draw­al that left $7.2B of weapons to the tal­iban. Guess who took over Chi­na. Chi­na has roads, air­ports, mines for bat­ter­ies, and more.
  • We passed the Chips Act because we could­nt get the cars. We have Build Back Bet­ter and Green New Deal in pieces. To get fund­ing from the Chips Act, you have to guar­an­tee afford­able child care for work­ers. This is why the chips are made in oth­er coun­tries.
  • Ford patents a self-dri­ving car that repos­sess­es itself if the own­er fails to keep up with the pay­ments and dri­ves it to the deal­er­ship or scrap yard.


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