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The Media Is Trying To Start A Fight And Donald Trump Is Not Taking The Bait

  • DeSan­tis went to the Rea­gan library and gave a speech and it was well received. But they could­nt play because DeSan­tis was booed at CPAC. CPAC is the Trump crowd. There is a long list of the estab­lish­ment repub­li­cans that are doing every­thing to stop Don­ald Trump. Trump spoke at CPAC for over an hour. Every­thing that Trump says about NATO was true. The coun­tries were not pay­ing their share of the NATO deal. The rea­son NATO is in the posi­tion they are in right now and able to oper­ate is because of Don­ald Trump and how he made the coun­tries pay their fair share. If you break down Don­ald Trumps speech every­thing he said is cor­rect. What is the end game for Rus­sia, Chi­na and Ukraine and every­body?
  • Remem­ber Trump’s speech is always a dark speech. But he laid out the facts for an hour and 45 min­utes.
  • The media is try­ing to get a fight going and Don­ald Trump is not tak­ing the bait. Nik­ki Haley is buck­ing for VP.
  • In 2016 when we got a nom­i­nee we sup­port­ed and worked and got the nom­i­nee elect­ed.
  • Trump is the front run­ner in 2024. The media is try­ing to brain­wash the Amer­i­can peo­ple to say that he can not win the gen­er­al elec­tion. Trump talks to all Amer­i­cans in his speech at CPAC.

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