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The Opposition To Trump Is The Establishment

  • Why is Kemp attack­ing the GA GOP par­ty? The estab­lish­ment goes Anti-Trump in GA. The rea­son Trump did­nt win GA is because all the peo­ple that said they sup­port­ed MAGA and real­ly did not. The oppo­si­tion to Trump is the estab­lish­ment. There are oth­er can­di­dates that will try to lead you to believe they will sup­port Trump and do what they can to get him elect­ed. BKP wants to be on the inside. Cur­rent­ly at this time there are 3 can­di­dates for GOP chair. This Sat­ur­day all the local con­ven­tions and del­e­gates will be elect­ed. This mon­day we will get the list of del­e­gates. WE will need help ask­ing these del­e­gates to vote for BKP as 1st Vice Chair of the GA GOP.
  • IN GA it is crossover day.
  • They are build­ing a sim­u­la­tion of a city in Atlanta to train police offi­cers. Antifia mob breaks into con­struc­tion 49 maybe if this was a catholic pro-life activist the FBI and Mer­rick Gar­land would drop every­thing. But Mer­rick Gar­land is over in Kyiv. The attack was planned for weeks and it was all set up, announced on social media. The AJC arti­cle does not name Antifia as the group that did the destruc­tion.
  • This morn­ing starts Crossover day in GA. You have your House and Sen­ate, you would­nt know that both cham­bers are led by repub­li­cans. So tonight at mid­night all the bills that have been approved will crossover to the oppo­site cham­ber. HB520 passed the House and is head­ed to the sen­ate. We will let you know tomor­row what made it through and what we need to work to kill. The GA house of rep­re­sen­ta­tives is not con­ser­v­a­tive while say­ing it is a repub­li­can con­trolled house. The sen­ate is our only hope.
  • What hap­pened to the debt ceil­ing cri­sis? Mon­day we dont have any mon­ey and Tues­day we are around the world giv­ing it out.

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