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No Legal Basis for Trump Indictment: Media Spin Trump not Electable in General

  • Dis­trict attor­neys across this coun­try have bud­gets and pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al dis­cre­tion. Remem­ber the peo­ple of newyork not alvin bragg vs don­ald trump. Alvin Bragg is ful­fill­ing a cam­paign promise. He has an enor­mous amount of cas­es and he has to decide the safe­ty and secu­ri­ty of the peo­ple in his dis­trict and the qual­i­ty of life and they are choos­ing to indict Trump on a 7 yo mis­de­meanor charge. There are 3 dif­fer­ent cas­es. There is no legal basis for the case. He was not defraud­ing any­one. It is wrong on the law bot­tom line. This is the box that we cant get the genie back in. The real dan­ger of the long turn democ­rats can now use this as a cam­paign promise to go after your polit­i­cal oppo­nent in this coun­try.
  • Polling showed Trump at 57% on April 1. This is boost­ing Trump and he is bring­ing in 5 mil­lion dol­lars and increased in polling.
  • The lay­out of steal­ing the elec­tion. They have to attack Trump and bring the indict­ment so that he can not win the elec­tion. This will stretch into 2024. All these repub­li­cans com­ing to Trump’s defense now, will they come to his defense lat­er when there are 1 or 2 more indict­ments. They are run­ning to him now because this is a base­less indict­ment. When GA comes up try­ing to over­turn an elec­tion, maybe Pence, DeSan­tis the turn and some of the loy­al­ist ones turn.
  • Remem­ber in 2020 the media told you that you want­ed calm back and did­nt want the chaos any­more. So in order to get the calm, the media cre­at­ed the chaos with the weaponized Depart­ment of Jus­tice.
  • Is this play­ing out how we have been talk­ing about it for weeks? Every­thing is time released. The jus­tice dept said to have more evi­dence of pos­si­ble Trump obstruc­tion at Mar-a-Lago. They have repub­li­cans back­ing Trump now and when the indict­ments start com­ing it will be more and more dif­fi­cult for the repub­li­cans to back Trump, accord­ing to the media.
  • Asa Hutchin­son goes to ABC to make an announce­ment that he wants to be the con­ser­v­a­tive can­di­date. Hutchin­son defends the US jus­tice sys­tem amid GOP attacks. Will evan­gel­i­cal vot­ers con­tin­ue to back Trump in 2024. Hutchin­son claims to be part of that. If you look at the 3 cas­es, hush mon­ey, try­ing to get votes in GA and the mis­han­dling of clas­si­fied doc­u­ments.
  • Is Manchin the cen­trist? Manchin blasts Biden admin in op-ed on elec­tric vehi­cle tax cred­its. Manchin tells the Wash­ing­ton post If enough Amer­i­cans believe there is an option and the option is a threat to the extreme left and extreme right, it will be the great­est con­tri­bu­tion to democ­ra­cy, I believe. Will Manchin run as an inde­pen­dent? 7
  • Study this after­noon:
  • The RESTRICT ACT is not lim­it­ed to just Tik­Tok. It gives the gov­ern­ment author­i­ty over all forms of com­mu­ni­ca­tion domes­tic or abroad and grants pow­ers to enforce any mit­i­ga­tion mea­sure to address any risk to nation­al secu­ri­ty now and in any poten­tial future trans­ac­tion.
  • The restrict act. There are so many great videos out there. We dont want to become the exec­u­tive state nation­al secu­ri­ty state. This will par­al­lel the patri­ot act.
  • Crude prices jump after Sau­di Ara­bia announces oil pro­duc­tion cut. Oil prices soar after Sau­di Ara­bia leads coor­di­nat­ed OPEC + cuts total­ing more than 1 mil­lion bar­rels a day. Oil prices are going up. They are cruis­ing up tak­ing mon­ey out of our pock­ets at every turn.
  • Chi­na and Brazil reach a deal and are trad­ing in their own cur­ren­cy. BRICs work­ing to cre­ate its own cur­ren­cy. Accord­ing to reports quot­ing Russ­ian law­mak­ers, the BRICs nation­als are in the process of cre­at­ing a new medi­um for pay­ments. Estab­lished on a strat­e­gy that does not defend the dol­lar or euro. He report­ed­ly indi­cat­ed that the new cur­ren­cy would be secured by gold and oth­er com­modi­ties such as rare-earth ele­ments. While the claim is yet to be ver­i­fied by oth­er offi­cials from the mem­ber nations, it came mere days before South Africa sent senior offi­cials to Rus­sia to dis­cuss recal­i­bra­tion of the glob­al order with Pres­i­dent Putins par­ty. The coun­try is also slat­ed to host a BRICS sum­mit in August this year.
  • They are going to change our cur­ren­cy with recal­i­bra­tion of the glob­al order. Sev­er­al oth­er coun­tries have expressed inter­est in join­ing the BRICS eco­nom­ic bloc, includ­ing Argenti­na, Iran, Indone­sia, Turkey, Sau­di Ara­bia and Egypt. South Africa will host the next BRICS sum­mit in August. As our dol­lar is plum­met­ing and the world fears Trump and our debt ceil­ing is up in June and they will meet in August.
  • Fet­ter­man dis­cuss­es depres­sion after hos­pi­tal dis­charge. Fet­ter­man had a seri­ous stroke. The deep state want­ed to keep the pow­er so bad, Fet­ter­man should have dropped out of the race and stayed home. It is sad how they have sued him.
  • Rep MTG on 60 min­utes yes­ter­day say­ing, They failed us the GOP in con­gress. She blames tra­di­tion­al repub­li­cans, not for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump for not get­ting enough done. The pres­i­dent does­nt con­trol every­thing she says.
  • Ossoff will be up in 2026. There is a lot of dis­cus­sion that Kemp will run for sen­ate. There is a deal for Loef­fler to be the gov­er­nor and Kemp to be sen­a­tor. Could MTG run for sen­ate in 2024
  • They are wor­ried about the anti LGBTQ bills that have been intro­duced in state leg­is­la­tures this year. With the world spin­ning out of con­trol.

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