Home / News / Bragg’s Lawless Indictment is the Trail Run for Fulton Co DA, Fani Willis

Bragg’s Lawless Indictment is the Trail Run for Fulton Co DA, Fani Willis

  • Trump being the Sta­ble Genius that han­dles the pres­sure and deliv­ers a speech last night after return­ing from NY. He is so bril­liant that he made sure that he knew that if they start­ed car­ry­ing it they would cut it away. The Amer­i­can peo­ple watched. 
  • Trump: “Our jus­tice sys­tem has become lawless” 
  • Bragg: We can’t nor­mal­ize seri­ous crim­i­nal con­duct. He has nego­ti­at­ed 50% of felony charges to mis­de­meanors. Yet he ele­vat­ed the 34. What he did was every sin­gle trans­ac­tion he cre­at­ed a charge for them. So today the nar­ra­tive was 34 felony counts. No one can find the crime. It has to do with Atlanta. 
  • Gre­ta Van Sus­teren: “It is OBVIOUSLY nev­er good to be indicted..but I have just dis­sect­ed the indict­ment and my thought, as a for­mer crim­i­nal defens­es lawyer, this indict­ment is much less seri­ous than the num­ber of counts might suggest…NO smok­ing guns..and if paid all at once, would just be ONE county…by pay­ing over­time pros­e­cu­tor added up counts…”
  • They want­ed the peo­ple that aren’t pay­ing atten­tion to hear 34 felony counts 
  • Justin Amash: “After read­ing DA Bragg’s indict­ment of Trump and accom­pa­ny­ing state­ment of facts, I’m stunned any pros­e­cu­tor would move for­ward with this. It’s even flim­si­er than we were led to believe. Thir­ty-four stacked counts, boot­strapped to an unstat­ed crime, to man­u­fac­ture felony charges. “
  • The grand jury doesn’t find guilt. The thresh­old for a grand jury to indict. The DA has to con­vince the grand jury he has some­thing to go to court with. It will be hard to prove a nov­el legal the­o­ry on very shaky grounds. 
  • Crimes relat­ing to the 2016 elec­tion. See they don’t feel that they lost. Guess what they can do to get their claims in front of judges. And find grand juries to indict. After 2020 we couldn’t get into court­rooms, state leg­is­la­tures, or gov­er­nors. Their charges are shaky and we had proof and couldn’t get any­where in 2020. 
  • Why does Alvin Bragg’s courage give him the case to charge Trump. Alvin Bragg did a tri­al run where you think the case is friv­o­lous or not. They put togeth­er the hand over to the ful­ton co DA and Jack Smith. 
  • The crime is miss­ing in the indict­ment. MSNBC is going to con­vict you by run­ning the nar­ra­tive on the media. The tri­al will run through the 2024 elec­tion. The plan is in place to steal 2024, as the WH hopes the chaos of Don­ald Trump’s legal chal­lenges will rein­force the rea­sons vot­ers turned to Pres­i­dent Biden in 2020. And the repub­li­can estab­lish­ment is car­ry­ing the water against Trump. 

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