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News Hidden By Smoke: Israel Protests, Shifting Alliances, AI, and more

  • We will talk about and break down the indict­ment of Don­ald Trump and go into the pol­i­tics of it. When the news cycle is over some­thing so friv­o­lous it is a smoke screen to hide what is real­ly hap­pen­ing. Trump’s only crime was humil­i­at­ing Hillary Clinton.
  • Remem­ber when Netanyahu came to the Unit­ed States to address Con­gress and an enor­mous amount of democ­rats didn’t show up. Remem­ber bb sat there that day to show all of us where Iran was enrich­ing the ura­ni­um and they were build­ing the bomb. We have a long stand­ing rela­tion­ship with the holy land and the evil has over­come the democ­rats that they have total­ly cut ties with Israel. 
  • Source close to Netanyahu accus­es the US of fund­ing ral­lies against judi­cial over­haul. PM son shares Breitbart’s claim that State Depart­ment fund­ed protest group, senior offi­cial says. Why is there no cov­er­age of this? Why is Joe Biden and the CIA so involved? Are we fund­ing the protests in Israel and the upris­ing against Netanyahu? 
  • Sau­di Ara­bia makes its Eurasian Shift. Sau­di Arabia’s recent rec­on­cil­i­a­tions with Iran and Syr­ia under Chi­na-Rus­sia guid­ance is per­ceived as a step toward reduc­ing Riyadh’s depen­dence on the US while also advanc­ing Bei­jing and Moscow’s polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic influ­ence in West Asia. For years the Saud­is sent their kids to the US uni­ver­si­ties for free and sent them back in trade for oil. Then took back the equip­ment when the kids had their edu­ca­tion. Now we are in 2023 Saud­is are work­ing with the BRICS nations on a new cur­ren­cy exchange. 
  • Chi­na Issues rare invite for Australia’s PM to vis­it Beijing. 
  • Take a brief minute to look at the coun­tries that have been bailed out by China. 
  • US Econ­o­my grinds to a halt as loan demands, sales crater in after­math of bank cri­sis. The big-mar­ket home builders have come to a halt. This could be the reces­sion that we are in, going in. This is the evil way they time release stuff to hide the real news. 
  • Bill Gates Dis­miss­es mount­ing calls to pause AI Chat­bot devel­op­ment. Italy is say­ing stop. The dan­gers of deep fakes. While some are scream­ing that we killed zucker­bucks. Zucker­bucks is yesterday’s news. They have invest­ed in the deep fakes to steal the 2024 election. 
  • Kansas pass­es a bill forc­ing res­i­dents to use the bath­room of the sex they were at birth and also bans trans­gen­der peo­ple from chang­ing name or gen­der on dri­ving licens­es. Kansas has a supermajority. 
  • It allows chil­dren to be chil­dren. FL Sen­ate approves bill ban­ning minors from hav­ing sex change surg­eries as well as receiv­ing pre­scrip­tions for hor­mone ther­a­py and puber­ty blockers. 
  • Zom­bieland con­tin­ues in Philly as deal­ers and addicts are seen sleep­walk­ing down a side street in the cri­sis-hit Kens­ing­ton neigh­bor­hood where fen­tanyl over­dos­es run rampant. 
  • NC Demo­c­rat expect­ed to switch par­ties cre­at­ing GOP super­ma­jor­i­ty. Repub­li­cans have 72 seats in the house the exact num­ber need­ed to over­ride any vetoes from Gov Roy Coop­er (D).
  • Fin­land has joined the NATO club. Rus­sia is set to deploy more nuclear weapons in the Arc­tic after Fin­land joined NATO; Ana­lysts say Putin will esca­late ten­sions in an attempt to intim­i­date Europe and the West. Are they try­ing to change the struc­ture of the world and change the cur­ren­cy as well? 

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