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GOP Wants Establishment Candidates Up And Down The Ticket

  • It looks as though Trump is the nom­i­nee. But you have to pay atten­tion to the group that does­nt want to see Trump as the nom­i­nee. You get a lot of poli­tia-speak. Kel­ly Loef­fler will work to get Trump the elec­tion if he is the nom­i­nee. Need to ask law­mak­ers the same ques­tion. The team that is work­ing to stop Trump. They would like to have the cam­paign where all the deep state media where Joe Biden is offer­ing solu­tions while Today in Court in Trump’s tri­al. They want to bring Trump down so that he can win the pri­ma­ry but not the gen­er­al. Will they run with Trump or against him? Dems just need 5 to get a major­i­ty in the house. If the media con­ve­niences Kevin McCarthy that he will lose the house, watch how fast he will run away from Trump. Same with the sen­ate. There are 33 seats avail­able. There is a rea­son they want to nose­dive Trump and it is not to save Amer­i­ca, it is to main­tain and win the House and Sen­ate. They dont want to run with him, even if they lose the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion in 2024.
  • They want estab­lish­ment can­di­dates up and down the tick­et. They are ready to nose­dive on abor­tion, guns and sav­ing the democ­ra­cy. It wont be about repub­li­can val­ues and his­to­ry. They want a lane they can run in and a top of tick­et that they can run with even if they could lose at the top.
  • SC Sen­a­tor Tim Scott takes anoth­er White House step: Launch­ing 2024 explorato­ry com­mit­tee. It is pos­si­ble that Tim Scott is look­ing for a VP slot. Is he putting some pres­sure on Don­ald Trump to make a com­mit­ment? Scott does­nt reg­is­ter on the poll. When Haley got in the race, BKP pre­dict­ed that Tim Scott would be put in for the block. It could be tough if Don­ald Trump los­es the pri­ma­ry in SC. Scott and Haley are well liked in South Car­oli­na and could be the block on Trump.
  • Who is the head of the GOP in GA. Kel­ly Loef­fler is cur­rent­ly the head of the GOP in the par­ty. She cre­at­ed Greater GA. After she lost her sen­ate seat, she want­ed to cre­ate some­thing in GA and the debt is not paid in full that Kemp owes Loef­fler. Loef­fler want­ed to recon­nect as a grass­roots activist in 2022. The Sen­ate passed a res­o­lu­tion, SR65. This is start­ing to sound like the orga­ni­za­tion­al struc­ture of the repub­li­can par­ty. The GA GOP did­nt bring them any mon­ey but Kel­ly Loef­fler gave them 1.4 mil­lion in fundrais­ing. Kel­ly and Kemp are plan­ning 2026. They will run side by side in GA. Kemp moves to take com­mand of the GOP leav­ing the state par­ty behind.
  • Gov Bri­an Kemp (R‑GA) took his most sig­nif­i­cant step yet to break from the GA GOP and bol­ster his own grow­ing polit­i­cal net­work, telling high-dol­lar donors that the 2022 midterms was a sign we can no longer rely on the tra­di­tion­al par­ty infra­struc­ture to win in the future. Kemp says, It is our goal to repli­cate the sophis­ti­cat­ed data and ground oper­a­tion we cre­at­ed in 2022 to help down bal­lot races and our pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee to win next year. And also help win back a Sen­ate seat and keep our state con­sti­tu­tion­al offices in 2026.Will he work to raise mon­ey to get Don­ald Trump elect­ed in GA. but the truth is the sen­ate seat and the state con­sti­tu­tion­al offices in 2026.

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