Home / News / ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL: We have Hope to Clean Up The corruption

ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL: We have Hope to Clean Up The corruption

Are the repub­li­cans doing a good job on some of these com­mit­tees. In the past when repub­li­cans had con­trol of these com­mit­tees they did­n’t have the sup­port of the speak­er. This week when the judge said that the for­mer DA had to tes­ti­fy, gave some hope that the com­mit­tees will do what needs to be done. When Jor­dan held the meet­ing in NY, the democ­rats keep to the same talk­ing point. They don’t acknowl­edge the cor­rup­tions. The democ­rats tote the par­ty line.

This is the democ­rats look­ing at you lying about every­thing. We have the 84 yo in Kansas City say­ing he is scared to death and shoots a kid. Then there is signs say­ing you should­n’t get killed for ring­ing the door bell. And the kid is going to the White House. The insur­rec­tion­ist in TN are invit­ed to the White House.

Repub­li­cans like MTG are telling the truth. Swall­well thinks he is doing some­thing. MTG tells the truth.. Democ­rats wants her state­ment to be strick­en from the record and then shut her down. That is what the democ­rats do, shut down dis­sent.

Do you think there will be any­thing ever come with the whistle­blow­er? Some­thing will come of the infor­ma­tion that would stand up in court? and When would there be con­se­quences? We have dis­cussed before will the media play a role in get­ting Biden out of office. This week has more sub­stance that in the past because you have names like Mer­rick Gar­land, Blinkin and Morell. With the whistle­blow­er, the com­mit­tee has to give them whistle­blow­er sta­tus before any­thing goes any­where.

Before Kennedy took the stage this week, he had dou­ble dig­it polling. Biden to release cam­paign video on Tues­day. Kennedy is say­ing stuff that will real­ly con­nect and Kennedy is using Twit­ter.

We have 100+ SARs and they have iden­ti­fied extra Biden fam­i­ly mem­bers. Many rep­re­sen­ta­tives came out all say­ing the same thing.

We know all this stuff so what is going to hap­pen with all the cor­rup­tion.

Can Trump bring in the 10%? Peo­ple are mov­ing to the inde­pen­dent.

We all want hope to clean up the cor­rup­tion. If we could­n’t get Hillary in jail then who can we get in jail. We have leaks and secure doc­u­ments and they don’t leak Epstein’s doc­u­ments.

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