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You Didnt See That, You Didnt Hear That, You Dont Know That

  • There are some view­ers on deep state media. They have cor­nered the mar­ket of you did not see that, you did not hear that, you did not know that because I did­nt tell you that
  • Let’s talk about some real­i­ties today.
  • Who is your lead­ing estab­lish­ment? The rino estab­lish­ment in your repub­li­can par­ty that the media goes to them for the state­ment how the peo­ple feel. The per­son that tells the media that the par­ty is divid­ed. Who wins that award in your state? In GA it is Jason M Shep­ard.
  • Joe has his cheat sheet. At the end of the day the pres­i­dent has so many things and we have seen bul­let points with spe­cif­ic details, but not an entire speech. This guy has pic­tures of the reports, descrip­tions, and the entire ques­tion in advance with the answer. Don­ald Trump head­ing to Marine 1 and going to answer ques­tions from the media. This is get­ting back to nor­mal
  • Bidens cam­paign strat­e­gy to repair VP Har­ris image call willie brown.
  • The scare of the day the chick­en lit­tle scare of the day you’re broke. You cant even pay the debt. If Kevin McCarthy does some­thing now, Biden and them want to do it a dif­fer­ent way. Every­one in DC knows we are broke. Either we break the debt ceil­ing now or lat­er. Do we crash now while we have the guts to come back or lat­er for your kids or grand­kids?
  • Xi and Zelen­sky speak for the first time since Rus­si­a’s inva­sion. Theres no war in Ukraine any­more no more hours of cov­er­age in Ukraine and how we are tak­ing back ter­ri­to­ry for Ukraine and killing thou­sands of Rus­sians. Biden is 80 years old and cant rec­og­nize a reporter with­out the pic­ture, descrip­tion and ques­tion. YOu think they are call­ing Biden to call for peace. But Xi and Zelen­sky met for the first time since the Russ­ian inva­sion.
  • Bri­an P Kemp can find his way to Davos, TX to Rove, Nashville to the RNC but he cant find his way to Colum­bus GA on June 10. When he needs Geor­gians they are hard­work­ing Geor­gians but right now he does­nt need Geor­gians so he can grace them with his pres­ence.

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