Home / News / Democrats Have The Candidate Because All Others Arent Serious Candidates

Democrats Have The Candidate Because All Others Arent Serious Candidates

  • While the deep state media is doing the char­ac­ter assas­si­na­tion of Tuck­er Carl­son, they wont shut up about E Jean Car­roll accus­es Trump of rape in civ­il tri­al. This hap­pened years ago, it has passed the statute of lim­i­ta­tion. She does­n’t remem­ber exact­ly when it hap­pened, 30–40 years ago.
  • Ron DeSan­tis is ready to jump in the race. Ron you cant jump on a plane and go to Israel and oth­er places to say you have for­eign pol­i­cy expe­ri­ence. The FL leg­is­la­ture is run­ning to cov­er for DeSan­tis to allow him to run for pres­i­dent. FL GOP law­mak­ers ready move allow­ing DeSan­tis to run for pres­i­dent with­out resign­ing. If DeSan­tis bombs this he can go back to being gov­er­nor. As soon as it is signed Ron is jump­ing in the water.
  • Don­ald Trump is prob­a­bly the GOP nom­i­nee. But the media is run­ning a DeSan­tis Trump matchup and the media says that no one has chal­lenged Joe Biden. Some democ­rats have not endorsed Biden but accord­ing to the media it is ok because no seri­ous democ­rats have announced. What about Kennedy?
  • The media is into mind manip­u­la­tion to again steal the elec­tion in 2024. What it has real­ly come down to in the media is that there is a price to lie.
  • Mil­len­ni­al, Gen Z orga­ni­za­tions press Biden to run on pro­gres­sive plat­form.
  • Trump 53, DeSan­tis 21: Biden 62, Kennedy 19
  • The media nev­er shuts up about the Karl Rove estab­lish­ment can­di­date that they say is seri­ous that is there to bring Trump down. 49. But this guy is seri­ous with polling around 20%.
  • The Biden cheat sheet shows he knew vet­ted ques­tions from jour­nal­ists in advance dur­ing a press con­fer­ence where he was pressed on if he is too old to run. The cards. Pre­pared by aides, it fea­tured a list of Bidens own senior offi­cials who were tak­ing part in the cer­e­mo­ny at the WH and pos­si­ble talk­ing points.
  • We have a guy that can be coher­ent while he talks that does­nt need a cheat sheet to speak to the media with an excel­lent record and has a seri­ous can­di­date polling at 20%. While Joe Biden is fail­ing at every­thing and has destroyed our coun­try and cant take ques­tions from the media with a crime record that is com­ing out, but he does­nt have a seri­ous can­di­date to come out against him, yet Kennedy is polling around 20%.

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