Home / News / Keep an Eye on What is Happening in JUNE: Debt Limit, Hunter Biden, & BRICS meet

Keep an Eye on What is Happening in JUNE: Debt Limit, Hunter Biden, & BRICS meet

  • The democ­rats have told you that Joe Biden does­n’t have any seri­ous oppo­nents. Could it be a Trump Kennedy ticket? 
  • Some­thing is about to hap­pen where Joe Biden is concerned. 
  • Bud Light sales tum­ble 26% amid sober­ing Dylan Mul­vaney back­lash as com­peti­tors see spike in beer purchases. 
  • Is the lead­er­ship at CNN say­ing that we could be out in front of this sto­ry or we can fall flat on our face. 
  • Antony Blinken denies orches­trat­ing a let­ter by 51 intel­li­gence offi­cials call­ing Hunter Biden’s lap­top dis­in­for­ma­tion but still won’t say if he thinks the con­tents are real. Mike Morell said Blinken called him. 
  • Warn­ing to Speak­er McCarthy from Janet Yellen, “After review­ing recent fed­er­al tax receipts, our best esti­mate is that we will be unable to con­tin­ue to sat­is­fy all of the government’s oblig­a­tions by ear­ly June and poten­tial­ly as ear­ly as June 1. 
  • If too much heat is on Joe Biden then you run the sto­ry that the debt lim­it is approach­ing. If you have to run-cov­er, the deep state throws the debt lim­it. Come June 1st you can pay the inter­est on the debt and you can pay social secu­ri­ty pay­ments and medicare. But the politi­cians may not get paid and the bureau­cra­cies would have to fur­lough their employees. 
  • Would they allow banks to col­lapse just to hide or cov­er a sto­ry. They are treat­ing the First Repub­lic col­lapse like a recall. JPMor­gan is left hold­ing the bag of the debt while the deep state is walk­ing away with the spoils of war. 
  • If all else fails and you must, we find out this morn­ing that Rus­sia has suf­fered more than 100K casu­al­ties since Decem­ber just in time to ask for more money. 
  • Rupert Mur­doch held secret talks with Zelen­sky before fir­ing Tuck­er Carl­son. The Mur­doch Ukraine con­nec­tion: Fox News Exec­u­tive Chair­man Rupert Mur­doch held a pre­vi­ous­ly unre­port­ed call with Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Zelen­skyy this spring in which the two dis­cussed the war and the anniver­sary of the deaths of Fox News jour­nal­ists last March. The Ukrain­ian pres­i­dent had a sim­i­lar con­ver­sa­tion with Lach­lan Mur­doch on March 15, which Zelen­skyy not­ed in a lit­tle-noticed aside dur­ing a nation­al broad­cast last month. The con­ver­sa­tions came weeks before the Mur­dochs fired their biggest star and most out­spo­ken crit­ic of Amer­i­can sup­port for Ukraine, Tuck­er Carl­son. Senior Ukrain­ian offi­cials had made their objec­tions to Carlson’s cov­er­age known to Fox exec­u­tives, but Zelen­skyy did not raise it on the calls with the Mur­dochs accord­ing to one per­son famil­iar with the details of the calls. 
  • What they want to do is make sure to shove the debt ceil­ing down your throat before June. After review­ing recent fed­er­al tax receipts, our best esti­mate is that we will be unable to sat­is­fy all of the government’s oblig­a­tions by ear­ly June and poten­tial­ly as ear­ly as June 1 Trea­sury Sec­re­tary Janet Yellen wrote. 
  • BRICS draws mem­ber­ship bids from 19 nation­als before the sum­mit. Alge­ria, Egypt, Indone­sia have asked to join the group. For­eign min­is­ters from the five BRICS mem­bers meet in June. Five Arab states plus Iran among 19 nations ready to join BRICS. Sau­di Ara­bia, the UAE, Alge­ria, Egypt, Bahrain and Iran have for­mal­ly asked to join the BRICS group of nations as it pre­pares to hold its annu­al sum­mit in South Africa. 
  • Janet Yellen is say­ing June 1… we have to speed it up. We will be out of mon­ey by June, because we have to scare you… because there is a mon­e­tary sys­tem that is being dis­cussed in June at the BRICS sum­mit. And Hunter Biden faces pater­ni­ty case as GOP tar­gets finan­cial deals. Hunter Biden was ordered to Tes­ti­fy at the June deposition. 
  • Joe Biden will not accept he has a grand­kid. But there is a judge out there in AK, Judge Hol­ly Mey­er. Is this what will bring Joe Biden down. 

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