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Republicans Will Have To Work With Democrat Playbook To Win 2024

  • Vivek had the cor­rect answer. He had the guts to tell Chuck Todd mur­der. He said that it is up to the states. Mur­der is deter­mined by the state. You are pro­nounced dead when the brain­waves stop, not just the heart. Med­ical­ly we are being told that we dont have brain waves and heart beat until six weeks. The rea­son states are com­ing up with six weeks is because it is the same as when death occurs. It has been the stance for repub­li­cans to say life is from con­cep­tion to death.
  • In Cuda they dont have any gas but they are going to go ahead and cel­e­brate May Day. May Day, also called Work­ers Day or Inter­na­tion­al Work­ers Day, is the day that com­mem­o­rates the strug­gles and gains made by work­ers and the labor move­ment. It is observed in many coun­tries on May 1. BKP tells a sto­ry about May Day when it was a kid.
  • All week­end long it was Joes age. All week­end long it was about Joe’s men­tal fit­ness is ok. Polling shows a Major prob­lem when it comes to schools is book ban­ning, too much focus on race, par­ents not enough say, trans­gen­der poli­cies. They want you to believe that these polls sup­port the demo­c­rat agen­da. And a major prob­lem today is attacks on trans fam­i­lies and trans women in wom­ens sports. Bidens 2024 mes­sage: Repub­li­cans will cut your medicare and social secu­ri­ty.
  • We will have to set up teams to bal­lot har­vest in senior cen­ters.
  • Hunter Biden is ordered to appear in Arkansas court about the grand­kid Joe cant remem­ber he has.
  • Boy 12 says he was kicked out of a Mass­a­chu­setts school for wear­ing a shirt that said there are only two gen­ders because staff said it made pupils feel unsafe.
  • CIA vet­er­an reveals why he did­nt sign Hunter Biden Lap­top let­ter. Dan Hoff­man got the let­ter on Octo­ber 18, 2020. The let­ter not­ed there was no evi­dence of the fact that Putin was behind the lap­top. Hoff­man did­nt sign say­ing the email I received from Mr Morell did not invite any fur­ther dis­cus­sion or debate It was being passed around for sig­na­tures, not edits. Ive nev­er been one to put my name to words some­one else wrote on my behalf.

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