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Biden Talks About A Fair Deal What About A Fair Deal In Cutting Spending

  • Look­ing at the cri­sis in the bor­der, what the media is doing with the shoot­ing in Dal­las, the debt ceil­ing,
  • Just the fact that Biden utters that the writ­ers need a fair deal. While McCarthy has asked for months for a meet­ing to come to terms on the debt ceil­ing. What the hell? You have had over 2 years to address the cri­sis and the inva­sion on the south­ern bor­der, but the writ­ers strike needs to be resolved? You start­ed the war in Ukraine. They said it is Putin’s war. They said Trump lost. But when it comes to the writ­ers strike he hopes it resolves soon. And he wants 4 more years.
  • Kennedy is mak­ing some good points. We have to stop the CIA and FBI. Kennedy says the CIA killed his uncle. We cant get the facts out of there.
  • Any­thing they say that you cant answer ques­tions about, you should ask more ques­tions. Every­day some­thing hap­pens that makes you say WOW.
  • Metro Atlantas spring home­buy­ing sea­son starts off with a whim­per. There are indi­ca­tors all across the coun­ty that are show­ing things are slow­ing down. We have import­ed every blue vote we can import in GA. We have issued tax reliefs. This is not an area of the coun­try that is sup­posed to slow down. The expect­ed sea­son­al surge in spring home sales was cut to a slug­gish flow last month as inter­est rates and eco­nom­ic war­ry con­tin­ued to act as obstruc­tions. Few­er than 5,000 homes were sold dur­ing April in metro Atlanta, down 11% from March and a near­ly 25% drop from the num­ber of sales dur­ing the same month last year, accord­ing the GA MLS. Inter­est rates are still a fac­tor for both prospec­tive buy­ers and sell­ers, ’ said John Ryan, chief mar­ket­ing offi­cer for GA MLS. Spring is when grad­u­a­tions are hap­pen­ing. This is when peo­ple move to get the kids into the new area. See if this devel­ops eco­nom­i­cal­ly across the coun­try.
  • What can nose dive Fox? Why is Don­ald Trump going to CNN at 8pm?

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