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We Have A Debt Crisis While Sending Another $1.2 Million To Ukraine

  • You have a cri­sis at the bor­der that is sup­posed to be han­dled by home­land secu­ri­ty. Remem­ber why home­land secu­ri­ty was start­ed. And ter­ror­ists cross­ing the bor­der.
  • We get a les­son from Muf­fin. Every­thing is includ­ed except for stu­dent loans. Every­thing else you have to pay on time or your cred­it would go down. They want tax increas­es. What she left off is, if you cant afford the car you have to send it back. If you cant afford the house, you have to down­grade. If you cant afford it you may have to live with­in your means. Con­gress does­nt live with­in its means. They act as though they are a sep­a­rate king­dom and they keep com­ing fro your pock­ets. All we are say­ing is that every­body has to tight­en their belt and live with­in their means.
  • Instead US Set to Announce $1.2 bil­lion aid pack­age to Ukraine.
  • Chi­na is work­ing out a deal for peace.
  • With Every­thing that is going on. Yes­ter­day was the May day cel­e­bra­tion in Rus­sia
  • Putins delud­ed real­i­ty: Pres­i­dent says Rus­sia wants peace and accus­es the west­ern elite of wag­ing real war as he pre­sides over Vic­to­ry Day parade with ONE tank hours after cruise mis­siles hit Ukraine.
  • All the crises that are hap­pen­ing in Amer­i­ca and the dis­trac­tions. Biden wants $1.2 bil­lion to go to Ukraine. And wants to resolve the writ­ers strike. Putin wants peace. Chi­na wants peace. They are in DC with a piv­otal debt ceil­ing meet­ing today.
  • In one report we have cat­a­stroph­ic events ahead of us on June 1. McCarthy wants to reel in spend­ing. We want to slow the rate of deficit spend­ing. At the same time every­thing will col­lapse on June 1. Won­der if Black­Rock ever comes up. Won­der if she calls the nation’s banker JP Mor­gan. At the same time.
  • Banks report tougher cred­it stan­dards in wake of fail­ures. Could Joe Biden use the 14th Amend­ment to solve the debt ceil­ing? That is what is out there. Then they turn around and put the US set to announce a $1.2 bil­lion aid pack­age to Ukraine. Cant send your social secu­ri­ty check but I can send 1.2 bil­lion to Ukraine.
  • They already have an end date and already have a rebuild­ing plan with your mon­ey and Chi­na and Black­Rock are run­ning it. After the war, Ukraine faces the biggest recon­struc­tion project any­where in the world. The war­mon­gers love this. They love cre­at­ing a rea­son to take tril­lions of dol­lars to line their pock­ets. As Ukrain­ian forces pre­pared for their cru­cial coun­terof­fen­sive against the Rus­sians, Sergiy Tsivkach arrived in Wash­in­ton with anoth­er mis­sion ear­li­er this month: rebuild­ing Ukraine after the war ends. Tsivkach, who is the CEO of UkraineIn­vest, a gov­ern­ment body tasked with attract­ing for­eign direct invest­ments, spent a few days in the area meet­ing with Biden admin­is­tra­tion offi­cials and busi­ness groups like the Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Man­u­fac­tur­ers at a Com­merce Depart­ment con­fer­ence. He also hud­dled with prospec­tive investors at a law firm. They are already send­ing peo­ple to DC to rebuild. Every­thing is a cri­sis and behind in Ukraine. Black­Rock has been to Ukraine. Hillary says we have to con­tin­ue send­ing mon­ey. And DC is get­ting ready to rebuild. There is a good deal of inter­est, but every­one is cau­tious about the war, Tsivkach told Semafor in a phone inter­view late last week before head­ing home. Every­one also under­stands there will be an end to the war, there will be Ukrain­ian vic­to­ry, and there will be a very prof­itable place to make busi­ness in Ukraine. The World Bank has placed the cost of rebuild­ing Ukraine at $41 Bil­lion over a decade. Esti­mates from Ukrain­ian lead­ers range from $750 bil­lion to over $1 tril­lion. This will be the biggest recon­struc­tion project any­where in the world, Iso­bel Cole­man, deputy admin­is­tra­tor at the US agency for inter­na­tion­al devel­op­ment, told Samafor in an inter­view. Ukraines econ­o­my has tak­en a beat­ing dur­ing the war. Its gross domes­tic prod­uct shrank by over 30% last year. Impor­tant infra­struc­ture, like hos­pi­tals, schools and roads, even entire cities have been destroyed by Russ­ian strikes. In some ways, the recon­struc­tion process has already begun, Col­man not­ed, includ­ing repairs to Ukraines ener­gy grid after a bar­rage of Russ­ian attacks over the win­ter that inter­rupt­ed pow­er. Ukraines short term needs are being fueled in part by Us dol­lars appro­pri­at­ed by Con­gress. Offi­cials say that the longer term post-war recon­struc­tion effort will involve both invest­ments from pri­vate sec­tor busi­ness­es and mul­ti­lat­er­al insti­tu­tions like the IMF and World Bank. were not look­ing to Con­gress to fund Ukraines recon­struc­tion, Cole­man said.
  • Zelen­sky meets with the Black­Rock chief to dis­cuss recon­struc­tion fun. The worlds largest asset man­ag­er advised Ukraine on how to revive the coun­trys shat­tered econ­o­my by attract­ing pub­lic and pri­vate invest­ment. Zelesky met with Fink, head of Black­Rock, the worlds largest man­ag­er of assets to dis­cuss how to attract invest­ment in the coun­trys war-rav­aged econ­o­my. In a video­con­fer­ence, the two dis­cussed how Black­Rock, which over­sees $8.5 tril­lion invest­ed all over the world, could pro­vide pro bono advice to the Ukrain­ian gov­ern­ment on set­ting up a recon­struc­tion fund in sup­port of the recov­ery of the Ukrain­ian econ­o­my. accord­ing to a state­ment released on Mon­day by Zelen­skys office. The fund would be arranged for both pub­lic and pri­vate investors to par­tic­i­pate in recon­struct­ing and reju­ve­nat­ing the mar­ket econ­o­my in Ukraine. The advice would be pro­vid­ed by Black­Rocks Finan­cial Mar­ket Advi­so­ry team, which works with finan­cial insti­tu­tions, reg­u­la­tors and gov­ern­ment and is sep­a­rate from the com­pa­nys invest­ment man­age­ment busi­ness. Attract­ing pri­vate investors in Ukraine is chal­leng­ing while the war still rages. Ukraines gov­ern­ment has encour­aged entre­pre­neurs with grans zero-inter­est loans and oth­er finan­cial sup­port, with com­pa­nies large and small restruc­tur­ing and relo­cat­ing, alter­ing the coun­try’s eco­nom­ic geog­ra­phy. An end to the fight­ing, along with exten­sive insur­ance and oth­er arrange­ments to attract inter­na­tion­al pri­vate invest­ment in Ukraines frag­ile econ­o­my, would be nec­es­sary before Ukraine could restore a nor­mal invest­ment cli­mate, as Zelen­sky described his goals in the state­ment. Many Ukraines pub­lic and pri­vate lenders includ­ing Black­Rock have agreed to a freeze on pay­ments on tens of bil­lions of dol­lars in debt. Freeze pay­ments on tens of bil­lions of dol­lars in debt. Banks are tight­en­ing up and we dont have zero inter­est. But you can take advan­tage if this all pans out. Zelen­sky has stolen 100 mil­lions in Ukraine. And Muf­fin is giv­ing a finan­cial les­son. We won’t take it any­more.

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