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BKP Politics Weekly Recap — Banks, AI Research, and more

  • Any­one in the base that thinks that these peo­ple accept 2020. If that is the case and you accept what they want you to accept, what else will they want you to accept?
  • We have banks fail­ing across the coun­ty. Will 2 more fail this week­end? The lie that they keep telling you that we are not bail­ing out the banks. Watch your bank fees go up. What do they want you to believe and what do they want you to accept? The media has you believe that the bank­ing sys­tem is sound and resilient. In 2008 we had TARP enact­ed when the bank­ing col­lapse reached $1T. WE are nowhere close to the 2% infla­tion. Nowhere in his­to­ry has an admin­is­tra­tion ever want­ed to step on the throat of the mid­dle class.
  • Kamala Har­ris announces $140 mil­lion dol­lars to invest in 7 AI research insti­tutes.
  • Is the repub­li­can par­ty pri­ma­ry over before it starts.
  • 51 for­mer intel­li­gence agents signed a let­ter say­ing the Hunter Biden lap­top was Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da.

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