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Its Corruption Not Obstruction That Is The Danger To Our County

  • There are a lot of ques­tions out there. Dont put your faith in polling. Trump with a 34+. Most polling with enor­mous leads. The only place you wont see Trump with an enor­mous lead is in GA, because the anti-Trumpers are work­ing with Kemp to keep Trump out of GA. The oth­er can­di­dates for 1st Vice Chair are so ner­vous because they may not be elect­ed by the MAGA crowd. You want me to believe that in TN Trump is up 34+ but in GA the head­lines are that Trump is not lead­ing in GA.
  • We cant get Hunter arrest­ed but this is the net­work’s news. Spe­cial Coun­sel probes han­dling of Mar-a-Lago sur­veil­lance video. Its Obstruc­tion not cor­rup­tion. J6 what took place how the media cov­ered up the stolen elec­tion. Jack Smith was in the room when Pence tes­ti­fied. CCN you missed Com­er, Grass­ley, MTG. The sky is falling and the rea­son it is falling is because of Don­ald Trump. .
  • Ukraine denies launch­ing drones at the Krem­lin. Russ­ian gov­ern­ment says Krem­lin hit by Ukraine drones, blames Kyiv. They say they are going to retal­i­ate with nuclear weapons.
  • Fen­tanyls fatal rise: New report shows deaths have spiked 280% since 2016 with the drug now killing one Amer­i­can every 8 min­utes. Not a gun. Every 8 min­utes.
  • Cops arrest 14 activists who stormed Ron DeSan­tis Flori­da office and refused to leave in protest over expan­sion of Don’t Say Gay law to all pub­lic school grades. Ron DeSan­tis set to sign an expan­sion of Dont Say Gay law to all pub­lic school grades. FL sen­ate pass­es bill that would restrict lessons on sex­u­al­i­ty and gen­der iden­ti­ty from all state class­rooms. FL repub­li­can super­ma­jor­i­ty passed 27–21 an expan­sion of the so-called Dont Say Gay law to include all pub­lic school stu­dents. The bill will now go to Gov DeSan­tis desk for sig­na­ture.
  • Dont for­get today that banks are col­laps­ing, pos­si­bly fri­day.

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