Home / News / Bidens Criminal Bribery Scheme With Foreign National: Whistleblower Claims

Bidens Criminal Bribery Scheme With Foreign National: Whistleblower Claims

  • Psalm 128:1 Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; bless­ings and pros­per­i­ty will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruit­ful vine with­in your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table.
  • Look at this: Spe­cial Coun­sel probes han­dling of Mar-a-Lago sur­veil­lance video. Not here: Grass­ley and Com­er say theyve found evi­dence of Biden get­ting PAID OFF for pol­i­cy deci­sions. FBI tip that alleged­ly puts Biden at cen­ter of crim­i­nal scheme sends sleuths around the world. Nat­ur­al gas com­pa­ny Buris­ma paid then sec­ond son Hunter Biden up to $1 mil­lion per year to serve on its board begin­ning in April 2014, short­ly after then VP Biden assumed con­trol of the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tions Ukraine pol­i­cy in the chaot­ic after­math of the Maid­an upris­ing that deposed Kyivs pro-Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vik­tor Yanukavych. Just three days after Hunter joined the board, White House nation­al secu­ri­ty advi­sor Jake Sul­li­van, then a vice pres­i­dent aide, told a reporter on Air Force Two en route to Kyiv that Joe Biden would push for US sup­port to Ukraines nation­al gas indus­try, which lat­er that year was award­ed $50 mil­lion by Con­gress. And, You are in Ukraine today with Joe Biden. You can’t make this stuff up. Jake Sul­li­van is the same guy with Hillary Clin­ton who helped spin the lie that Trump had ties to a Russ­ian bank. Hunter gets a job with Buris­ma. Con­gress awards $50 mil­lion. Is he part of help­ing bring down Joe Biden now? Why are so many want­i­ng to tes­ti­fy now? The per­son that wants to tes­ti­fy now, why did­nt they come out Octo­ber 2020 to say they could­nt let this go on. Every­thing going on there is a Now fac­tor.
  • Pres­i­dent Bidens top nation­al secu­ri­ty aide Jake Sul­li­van was asked point blank Mon­day if he was part of an influ­ence ped­dling con­spir­a­cy ben­e­fit­ting Bidens fam­i­ly — after a for­mer White House stenog­ra­ph­er made the accu­sa­tion ear­li­er this month and demand­ed to speak to the FBI and Delaware grand jury. Sul­li­van gave a sin­gle-word answer No when asked by The Post if stenog­ra­ph­er, Mike McCormick was cor­rect to allege he cor­rupt­ly assist­ed Biden fam­i­ly busi­ness inter­ests in Ukraine. McCormick recent­ly out­ed Sul­li­van as an anony­mous vice pres­i­den­tial press source who tout­ed to reporters pos­si­ble US aid to Ukraines nation­al gas indus­try on Air Force Two while fly­ing to Kyiv on April 21, 2014 days after then-sec­ond son Hunter Biden secret­ly joined the board of Ukrain­ian gas com­pa­ny Buris­ma.
  • Fd1023 form that has infor­ma­tion that Joe Biden made a deal with a for­eign nation­al in exchange for mon­ey.
  • Com­er is doing an amaz­ing job. Grass­ley is 89 and is not let­ting up off of Joe Biden. MTG says that we have known each oth­er for a very long time. There is proof at the FBI that he made deals for pol­i­cy deci­sions in exchange for mon­ey, a pay to play scheme. The net­works wont shut up about Don­ald Trump. You under­stand with Water­gate there was noth­ing like what is hap­pen­ing now. If this is true, if there is proof if we have this. We dont want Joe Biden to just be impeached.
  • James Com­er tweet­ed: Info pro­vid­ed by a whistle­blow­er rais­es con­cerns that then VP Biden alleged­ly engaged in a bribery scheme with a for­eign nation­al. The Amer­i­can peo­ple need to know if Pres­i­dent Biden sold out to the US to make mon­ey for him­self. Com­er and Grass­ley reveal the exis­tence of an FBI record alleg­ing then VP Biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a for­eign nation­al. Accord­ing to a whistle­blow­er this record details an alleged arrange­ment involv­ing an exchange of mon­ey for pol­i­cy deci­sions.
  • Jake Sul­li­van the mas­ter of media mis­in­for­ma­tion. What did he know and when dur­ing the Clin­ton-inspired Rus­sia-gate? Biden NSA Jake Sul­li­vans future ques­tioned over Rus­sia hoax role. (Novem­ber 9, 2021) We had the Durham report, it was thrown out of court because we could­n’t get an indict­ment. But with fact proof and evi­dence with hands in the cook­ie jar Duham could­nt get an indict­ment on Suss­mann and Sul­li­van. Jack Smith will be able to get an indict­ment on the Mar-a-Lago doc­u­ments. Pres­i­dent Bidens nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er, Jake Sul­li­van, is referred to in one of the indict­ments obtained by spe­cial coun­sel John Durham in his inves­ti­ga­tion into the orgins of the Rus­sia probe of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, Fox news report­ed Tues­day. The rev­e­la­tion which echoed a Sep­tem­ber piece by Post colum­nist Paul Sper­ry imme­di­ate­ly raised ques­tions about Sul­li­vans future in the White House. Sul­li­van is unnamed by Fox cit­ed two well placed sources who iden­ti­fied him as the for­eign pol­i­cy advi­sor ref­er­enced in the charges against for­mer DNC lawyer Michael Suss­mann. The devel­op­ment marks the clos­est that Durham has come to any­one direct­ly asso­ci­at­ed with Bidens admin­is­tra­tion. Suss­man­ns indict­ment details how the unnamed Clin­ton cam­paign lawyer exchange emails with the Clin­ton Cam­paigns cam­paign man­ag­er, com­mu­ni­ca­tions direc­tor and for­eign pol­i­cy advi­sor con­cern­ing the Russ­ian bank alle­ga­tions that Suss­mann had recent­ly shared with an unnamed reporter. They paid for the dossier and they ran the media. Hey you may need to look into Trump. It was all a set up. We will see if any­thing comes of the Com­er and Grass­leys inves­ti­ga­tion. They are work­ing off of Durhams file.
  • On Octo­ber 31, 2016 Jake Sul­li­van then senior pol­i­cy advis­er for Demo­c­rat Hillary Clin­tons pres­i­den­tial cam­paign, issued a press state­ment cit­ing a Slate report pur­port­ing to show that the Trump Orga­ni­za­tion had a secret serv­er reg­is­tered to Trump tow­er that was covert­ly com­mu­ni­cat­ing with Rus­sia. Trump told you they spied on his cam­paign and they tapped Trump Tow­er. The Amer­i­can peo­ple deserve the truth and they have the proof. Will it affect Joes re-elec­tion? The media will run cov­er for Joe.
  • Ukraine alleges $5 mil­lion bribe over Buris­ma, no Biden link. Ukrain­ian offi­cials on Sat­ur­day said that they were offered $5 mil­lion in bribes to end a probe into ener­gy com­pa­ny Buris­mas founder, but said there was no con­nec­tion to for­mer board mem­ber Hunter Biden whose father is run­ning for US pres­i­den­cy. June 13, 2020. The media have almost 5 months to inves­ti­gate this before the elec­tion. Plas­tic bags filled with US dol­lar ban­knotes seized by the Nation­al Anti-Cor­rup­tion Bureau of Ukraine are seen on the table dur­ing a news brief­ing at the anti-cor­rup­tion pros­e­cu­tors office in Kiev. The Ukrain­ian com­pa­ny was thrust into the glob­al spot­light last year in the impeach­ment inquiry into whether US Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump improp­er­ly pres­sured Kiev into open­ing a case against his rival for the Novem­ber elec­tion race. Trump wants an inves­ti­ga­tion into the Democ­rats 20209 can­di­date, for­mer Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, and his son. Artem Syt­nyk, head of Ukraines nation­al anti-cor­rup­tion bureau said three peo­ple had been detained includ­ing one cur­rent and for­mer tax offi­cial over the bribe offer. The mon­ey was the largest cash bribe ever seized in the coun­try. Biden impli­cat­ed in Bribery Scheme, Grass­ley and Com­er allege in new sub­poe­na demand to FBI. The demand comes just one month after Com­er warned that repub­li­cans’ inves­ti­ga­tion into Bidens cor­rup­tion does­nt look good for POTUS. GOP­ers order Blinken to turn over all com­mu­ni­ca­tions with Hunter Biden after emails show he lied to con­gress.
  • MTG tweet: First 51 peo­ple from the Intel com­mu­ni­ty includ­ing our cur­rent SOS, Antony Blinken, claimed the Hunter Biden lap­top was­nt real. The Trea­sury Depart­ment has had SARS on Hunter Biden and oth­ers that reveal evi­dence of mon­ey laun­der­ing and human sex traf­fick­ing for years. But now all of sud­den the DOJ is final­ly ready to bring charges against Hunter Biden for tax and gun relat­ed offens­es. OH OKAY. Jacob chans­ley was tried and con­vict­ed for being escort­ed by Cap police on J6 and has almost fin­ished his sen­tence faster than the DOJ is will­ing to lift a fin­ger against Hunter Biden. Shiny Object.

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