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All H*LL Breaks Loose Tomorrow America Is Saying No To Pride Month

  • If we have all these things going on with the debt ceil­ing just say Chi­na.
  • US slams Chi­nese mil­i­tary over aggres­sive maneu­ver. Chi­nese mil­i­tary provo­ca­tions against US. Fri­day, Chi­nese j‑16 forces US RC-125 to fly through jets wake tur­bu­lence. Feb 2023, Chi­nese J‑11 fight­er jet trails Amer­i­can p‑8 Posei­don mar­itime patrol air­craft. Dec 2022 — Chi­nese plane pass­es with­in 10 feet of a US air­craft.
  • Or let’s just yell Trump DeSan­tis that will run cov­er. If that is what upsets you that Trump said some­thing mean yes­ter­day. Trump blasts his for­mer press sec­re­tary Kayleigh McE­nany as milk­toast after an appear­ance on Fox News and claims she delib­er­ate­ly reduced his poll num­bers know­ing them to be incor­rect.
  • You are watch­ing too much Fox News, if you believe the deep state.
  • Dis­ney has a man in a dress work­ing in the dress store for lit­tle girls at Dis­ney­land. This is who Dis­ney wants girls to see when they first walk in to pick out a dress. Go woke, go bib­bi­di bob­bi­di broke. Male Dis­ney­land employ­ee with a mus­tache dressed as a Fairy God­moth­ers appren­tice sparks back­lash amid a woke row. All hell breaks loose tomor­row. Pride month.
  • You talk about the war on Dis­ney, DeSan­tis talk­ing on Dis­ney. Dis­ney is groom­ing our chil­dren.
  • Way off Tar­get? Retail­ers shares suf­fer longest los­ing streak in five years after plum­met­ing to a 52-week low as shop­pers boy­cott stores over its Pride tuck-friend­ly swimwear line. Miss­ing the Tar­get: retail­ers shares plum­met for eight days in row. It’s the biggest los­ing streak in five years. Tar­get shares fell 3.66% on Tues­day, result­ing in the retail store los­ing $2.4 bil­lion in mar­ket cap­i­tal­iza­tion. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are say­ing no to Tar­get.
  • War on Pride. Anti-Tar­get rap tops itunes. Revolt on Chick-fil‑a, Bud light sales down 30%, gays leav­ing Flori­da. Pride Month is a war. Brands are the bat­tle­field.
  • Revealed: Tar­gets VP of brand man­age­ment is trea­sur­er at LGBTQ group that push­es school dis­tricts to allow chil­dren to secret­ly change gen­der. Com­pa­ny donat­ed $2.1 mil­lion to the orga­ni­za­tion.
  • These com­pa­nies have to have a score. ESG. This ties to the bud­get and the green new deal. All of the Green New Deal is ful­ly fund­ed. Envi­ron­men­tal on your car­bon foot­print. Social how are you with the LGBTQ. Gov­er­nance how many gays are on your pay­roll.

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