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The Nugget of Truth in the Deceit in Washington

  • Wel­come to the Truth Fac­to­ry. BKP Pol­i­tics bring­ing the Truth.
  • If you had a choice John Fet­ter­man wore a white hood­ie to a sen­ate press con­fer­ence. He had a major stroke and they swore him into sen­ate and spent a month in the hos­pi­tal for depres­sion. His state­ments are so inco­her­ent that his staff altered the tran­scripts. And PA cit­i­zens had Fet­ter­man or Dr. Oz? Who would you like to have in the Sen­ate today?
  • Kathy Bar­nette is a prob­lem. She ran as the MAGA can­di­date in the PA Sen­ate. And she got so angry that Trump did­nt get the MAGA endorse­ment. So Poso­biec and Ban­non went after Dr. Oz to dis­cred­it him. Now Kathy Bar­nette is pro­mot­ing Viveks town Hall on CNN.
  • Nik­ki is going to be on CNN.
  • Nev­er talks about Kennedy on CNN. This past week Biden got dis­as­trous news, Amer­i­cans say­ing a Biden sec­ond term would be dis­as­trous..
  • Chris Christie to announce GOP pres­i­den­tial cam­paign next week. Won­der if he will come to GA. He will get booed off the stage and it will get record­ed.
  • How do you know they are lying? A Tril­lion and half dol­lars in the next decade. Any­time they tell you that deficit spend­ing will be reduced $2T over the next 10 years. That is when your radar goes off as a total lie.
  • Wash­ing­ton is doing it again. Cut­ting a crap deal that hurts the Amer­i­can peo­ple. Wash­ing­ton is lying again. This bill keeps the Biden base­line intact.
  • We are going to find the nugget of truth that no one is find­ing out there. They knew they cant go pre-COVID spend­ing. They know they have to keep the post COVID curve. If they pull back, there will not be an eco­nom­ic boom. It was not cre­at­ed by cap­i­tal­ism. When Kemp brags there is a $5.2 bil­lion sur­plus in GA, it came from COVID print­ing, that is the post COVID eco­nom­ic recov­ery. Every­time you hear of Joe Biden’s fastest eco­nom­ic recov­ery, it is the post COVID eco­nom­ic recov­ery that is going down. You have to have the post COVID curve.
  • This bill cements COVID spend­ing binge. When this pass­es and the post COVID spend­ing binge con­tin­ues, it will all be ok. They all lied.
  • Biden Base­line Bud­get Depart­ment and OMB, gets com­plete waiv­er author­i­ty over process­es.
  • The Office of Man­age­ment and Bud­get serves the Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States in over­see­ing the imple­men­ta­tion of his or her vision across the Exec­u­tive Branch. OMBs mis­sion is to assist the Pres­i­dent in meet­ing pol­i­cy, bud­get, man­age­ment, and reg­u­la­to­ry objec­tives and to ful­fill the agen­cy’s statu­to­ry respon­si­bil­i­ties. The OMB over­sees the per­for­mance of fed­er­al agen­cies and admin­is­ters the fed­er­al bud­get. OMB has com­plete waiv­er author­i­ty in what­ev­er she deems nec­es­sary for the Biden agen­da on Fed­er­al agen­cies. There was a bud­get writ­ten and it was passed. The Green New Deal, Infra­struc­ture, 87K IRS agents, etc. We will see at what fre­quen­cy the waivers will be giv­en.
  • The post COVID eco­nom­ic curve, dig­i­tal cur­ren­cy in July, IRS agents to go after the small busi­ness­es
  • Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang gets a rock­star wel­come in birth­place Tai­wan as the charis­mat­ic founder says his firms rev­o­lu­tion­ary AI chip will allow any­one to become a pro­gram­mer, just by speak­ing to the com­put­er. The com­pa­ny is now val­ued at $1 Tril­lion, only among 5 in the world.
  • Gid­dy White House does a vic­to­ry lap over Bidens debt ceil­ing deal while con­ser­v­a­tives turn on McCarthy. Top nego­tia­tor cel­e­brates get­ting rid of dra­con­ian repub­li­can changes and avoid­ing default. Sha­lan­da Young, the top White House nego­tia­tor on the debt deal, joked with reporters on Wednes­day as the Biden admin­is­tra­tion con­tin­ued its vic­to­ry lap and repub­li­cans lead­ers came under pres­sure. How the IRS will still get a $60 bil­lion in debt lim­it deal. The agency has gone on a hir­ing spree and will have up to 87,000 more agents to go after the rich. The deal reached between Pres­i­dent Biden and Speak­er McCarthy rescinds $1.4 bil­lion from the agency and cuts $20 bil­lion lat­er but still leaves $60 bil­lion in place.
  • Chick-fil‑A sparks anti-woke out­rage over VP of diver­si­ty, equi­ty, inclu­sion post. Erik McReynolds has been employed by Chick-fil‑A since 2007. He was pro­mot­ed to the posi­tion of VP of DEI in Nov 2021.
  • Today the FBI informed Over­sight Cmte that it will not pro­vide the unclas­si­fied doc­u­ments sub­poe­naed by the Com­mit­tee. The Com­mit­tee will now be tak­ing steps to hold FBI Direc­tor Wray in con­tempt of Con­gress for refus­ing to com­ply with a law­ful sub­poe­na.
  • The same day that repub­li­cans in the house are going to charge FBI direc­tor Wray with con­tempt of Con­gress over an unclas­si­fied doc­u­ment that Wray refus­es to give the over­sight com­mit­tee that alleges a crim­i­nal scheme involv­ing then-VP Joe Biden and a for­eign nation­al. Mean­while, the Repub­li­cans are going to vote on a deal that Biden and McCarthy made.
  • Bidens ex-Sen­ate aide who accused him of sex­u­al assault defects to Rus­sia. Tara Reade says she does­nt feel safe in Amer­i­ca and wants Putin to give her cit­i­zen­ship with the help of con­vict­ed spy Maria Buti­na. Tara Reade, who in 2020 accused Joe Biden of assault­ing her while he was a Sen­a­tor, is seek­ing to defect to Rus­sia and deliv­ered an inter­view with Maria Buti­na who was con­vict­ed in the US.
  • Repub­li­cans will hold FBI Direc­tor Wray in con­tempt for refus­ing to hand over doc­u­ments alleged­ly detail­ing Bidens part in a $5 mil­lion bribery scheme with a for­eign nation­al. Repub­li­cans are mov­ing for­ward with con­tempt charges against Wray after he failed to hand over a doc­u­ment that they claim show Biden was involved in a crim­i­nal scheme.
  • If you believe Kevin McCarthy you are watch­ing too much Fox News.

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