Home / News / 71 Courageous And Fiscally Responsible Republicans Just Voted NO

71 Courageous And Fiscally Responsible Republicans Just Voted NO

  • 71 coura­geous and fis­cal­ly respon­si­ble REpub­li­cans just vot­ed NO on the Biden-McCarthy debt ceil­ing deal. We put up a good fight for the Amer­i­can peo­ple. But the fight isnt over. I urge Sen­ate con­ser­v­a­tives to OPPOSE this fis­cal­ly irre­spon­si­ble insan­i­ty. #NODEAL
  • Just remem­ber who likes this deal. MSNBC is doing a vic­to­ry lap. Its that sim­ple.
  • IF Casey DeSan­tis is going to play the role in this cam­paign that is plan­ning on play­ing for her hus­band. Then she is fair game. Casey DeSan­tis on the trail. The FL gov­er­nors wife is set to play an out­sized role in his cam­paign, even by the typ­i­cal stan­dards of polit­i­cal spous­es.
  • Final vote results: it received more demo­c­rat votes than repub­li­can. Is McCarthy a uni­par­ty Speak­er? Democ­rats have their speak­er. Repub­li­cans do not have a leader as speak­er of the house, they have the uni­par­ty.
  • BKP polit­i­cal com­pass is to nev­er car­ry a politi­cian’s water. Being on the Ultra MAGA group, and runs defense for the team. MTG is under an enor­mous amount of oppo­si­tion from Lau­ra Loomer. MTG jumps on the Kevin McCarthy band­wag­on ear­ly on and lob­bies for him to get the speak­er­ship. MTG has done some amaz­ing work on the com­mit­tees. But she lob­bied for Kevin McCarthy and this debt deal. Are you try­ing to tell me that you found com­mon ground with Joe Biden the ped­ofile and the democ­rats that want to pass bills to nation­al­ize our elec­tions and groom our chil­dren on a debt ceil­ing deal. You vot­ed for some­thing that’s not get­ting attacked on the AJC. It is pret­ty con­fus­ing that MTG is not in the list with Rich McCormick (6), Andrew Clyde (9), and Mike Collins (10). MTG we love ya but we are a lit­tle puz­zled on your vote.

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