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Donald Trumps Target On His Back Keeps Getting Bigger And Bigger

  • It is all arrows towards Don­ald Trump. He has a tar­get on his back. FBI Direc­tor will let top Repub­li­cans LOOK at Biden crim­i­nal scheme doc­u­ments Chris Wray offers com­pro­mise on $5 mil­lion bribery memo to avoid con­tempt charges. The FBI will allow lead­ers of the Over­sight Com­mit­tee to view the FD_1023 form they say proves Pres­i­dent Biden was involved in a $5 mil­lion crim­i­nal bribery scheme with a for­eign nation­al.
  • This is an out­right lie. Well still take down Bidens IRS Army. Top Repub­li­can Elisa Ste­fanik declares Vic­to­ry over White House on the debt ceil­ing deal and prais­es Kevin McCarthy in face of GOP rebels.
  • The IRS is an advanced appro­pri­a­tion from 2022, that is avail­able until 2031. When it is an appro­pri­a­tion it lies with the OMB direc­tor. The direc­tor can issue a waiv­er to spend all the mon­ey today. It is mean­ing­less until 2031.
  • The econ­o­my is false­ly turn­ing and that is what they cant allow to stop.
  • Head­lines: Biden-McCarthy plan pass­es, heads to Sen­ate. Bipar­ti­san prob­lem solvers cau­cus endors­es debt deal. A Wash­ing­ton sur­prise: Cen­trists push back against fringes in debt deal. Debt ceil­ing deal pass­es House by wide mar­gin, heads to Sen­ate as June 5 default looms. Debt Ceil­ing bill pass­es House, Moves to Sen­ate as dead­line nears.
  • Isnt that so affirm­ing? A sol­id state­ment. 4 days until default.. But it is a lie.
  • US House pass­es debt-lim­it bill as four GA law­mak­ers vote No. 3 repub­li­cans, 1 demo­c­rat. Ear­li­er on WEdnes­day US rep Rich McCormick became the third GA repub­li­can to announce he opposed the deal. He joined US reps Andrew Clyde and Mike Collins.
  • Mike Lee: House Democ­rats are lit­er­al­ly say­ing: Now we are allowed to say it: we rolled them. This is what Ive been telling my Repub­li­can col­leagues. Were fools not to rec­og­nize that Repub­li­cans have been played. Its painful to acknowl­edge this, but ignor­ing it wont make it go away.
  • They are laugh­ing at the Far, Far right, the fringe Activists. It is hard to believe any repub­li­cans gave Biden a win when it cant give a speech with­out call­ing us that MAGA group.
  • Heres one to trust..
  • Leader McConnell: House Repub­li­cans uni­ty forced POTUS to nego­ti­ate with McCarthy and agree to cut gov­ern­ment spend­ing. Tonights pas­sage of the Fis­cal Respon­si­bil­i­ty Act is an impor­tant step in the right direc­tion. Now, its the Sen­ates turn to pass this agree­ment with­out delay.
  • There was no pres­sure put on Joe Biden to get to this deal. It was all a freak­ing show and set up. Remem­ber the Green New Deal was called the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act. so they name this one the Fis­cal Respon­si­bil­i­ty Act.
  • Dan Bish­op: This is what it looks like when the uni­par­ty car­tel sells out the Amer­i­can peo­ple. #NoDeal (More democ­rats vote for the bill than repub­li­cans in a repub­li­can led house)
  • Mike Lee: The Biden-McCarthy Debt Expan­sion Act just passed the House. To those who thought this was a Repub­li­can bill, the num­bers dont lie. 165 democ­rats vot­ed for it and only 149 repub­li­cans joined them. Those vot­ing against it includ­ed 71 hero­ic repub­li­cans and only 46 democ­rats.
  • Folks McCarthy passed a demo­c­rat bill.
  • Andrew Clyde: I vot­ed NO on the rule. Because pro­tect­ing the future of our Repub­lic is vast­ly more impor­tant than uphold­ing pro­ce­dur­al norms. Full State­ment: Due to my seri­ous con­cerns with the Biden-McCarthy debt ceil­ing deal, I could not, in good con­science, vote for the rule. My objec­tions extend far beyond the con­tent of this bill, as this entire process has brazen­ly vio­lat­ed the pow­er-shar­ing agree­ment we made with the Speak­er in Jan­u­ary. All amend­ments, includ­ing mine, were reject­ed in favor of a closed rule breach­ing our agree­ment and strip­ping our voic­es from the process. Oppos­ing the rule is not a step that I would nor­mal­ly con­sid­er, how­ev­er, this was our last and only oppor­tu­ni­ty to send this bad bill back through com­mit­tee for amend­ments. Im fight­ing to defeat this fis­cal­ly irre­spon­si­ble agree­ment fo the Amer­i­can peo­ple, and I will use every tool at my dis­pos­al to do so because pro­tect­ing the future of our Repub­lic is vast­ly more impor­tant than uphold­ing pro­ce­dur­al norms.
  • Greg Bluestein: The Geor­gia GOP con­ven­tion is giv­ing ever deep­er into MAGA ter­ri­to­ry. Kari Lake is replac­ing Mike Pence at the Fri­day night din­ner.
  • Repub­li­cans got ZERO. No dif­fer­ence in Stu­dent loans. Every­thing can get put back in place in 2 years. Every­thing in the IRS that they are lying about is already appro­pri­at­ed and the OMB can issue a waiv­er.
  • If you believe we cut the IRS, we capped things and are not going to increase the debt, and we are now going to have work require­ments for SNAP, if you believe McCarthy and MTG you are watch­ing too much Fox News.

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