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If You Believe This Is A Good Deal, You Are Watching Too Much Fox News

  • Who can you trust? Our coun­try is on the brink, on the edge. If you believe Kevin McCarthy made a good deal with Joe Biden, you are watch­ing too much Fox News. IF you believe that we will live anoth­er day, you are watch­ing too much Fox News. The democ­rats go to their best actors. Nan­cy Pelosi got every­thing not a lit­tle bit. Nan­cy called the squad in. Nan­cy Con­trolled the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives and the Sen­ate. Only repub­li­cans that dont keep promis­es. Democ­rats are destroy­ing this coun­try but they keep promis­es to their vot­ers.
  • They have passed some things in the House that gave the illu­sion that Kevin McCarthy was the speak­er we want­ed. Joe Biden and his admin­is­tra­tion knew this for six months, that McCarthy would bow to the Democ­rats. It was planned all along that they would go on Memo­r­i­al Day week­end while no one is look­ing. We will come out with a deal. While Amer­i­cans are gath­er­ing on a Mon­day hon­or­ing and remem­ber­ing those who have fall­en, the Biden admin­is­tra­tion will screw the Amer­i­can peo­ple once again with the help of Kevin McCarthy.
  • Who do you believe? McConnell and Schumer. They put on a show yes­ter­day to make it look like it would be a strug­gle. It passed the con­fer­ence and has moved to the floor and needs 218 to pass. They will pick out the safest repub­li­cans and pick out the safest democ­rats and when you com­bine the 2 in the swamp it will be 218. If you have a demo­c­rat vote for it, the Amer­i­can peo­ple get screwed.
  • Biden and McCarthy are telling you it is a good deal. The House vote today on a bill to sus­pend the debt ceil­ing and cut spend­ing. Once you make a deal the claw­ing back is OMB, which is up to the pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. Noth­ing will be cut. They have already vot­ed on the bud­get.
  • Speak­er Kevin McCarthy told us He would give us all J6 video.. He LIED. He would defund the hir­ing of 87,000 IRS agents on day 1 HE LIED. He said his debt ceil­ing bill would reduce the deficit HE LIED. RINO McCarthy is a cow­ard with a lack of fight. #Motion­To­Va­cate
  • There wont be any IRS agents that will be hired to go after cor­po­rate greed. If you are a small busi­ness own­er, they will come after you.
  • Who do you Trust?
  • Rand Paul: The Biden-McCarthy Fis­cal Respon­si­bil­i­ty Act is any­thing but respon­si­ble. Only in Wash­ing­ton is spend­ing more mon­ey that we used to spend con­sid­ered a cut. Thats why Im intro­duc­ing the con­ser­v­a­tive solu­tion. Rand Paul intro­duces alter­na­tive to Biden-McCarhty debt bill. This is the guy that we trust­ed to prove Fau­ci was lying.
  • Once the bill pass­es the House. It will go to the sen­ate into debate. They have to have 60 votes to take it off debate to go to the Sen­ate Floor for vote. The #1 thing they will say in the micro­phone is to avoid the debt default. They are 5 cor­po­ra­tions that are tril­lion dol­lar cor­po­ra­tions. It will only hurt the bil­lion­aires if this does­nt pass. It may even come down to Kamala Har­ris to save the world as the 51st vote.
  • Rand Paul: I absolute­ly will not vote to expand our nation­al debt by $4 tril­lion. When the Biden-McCarthy debt deal reach­es the sen­ate, I will offer a con­ser­v­a­tive alter­na­tive.
  • Betray­al: McCarthy faces revolt from GOP con­ser­v­a­tives over debt lim­it deal with Biden.
  • There is some­thing wrong. MTG retweet­ed.
  • Thomas Massie: I respect oppo­si­tion to the Fis­cal Respon­si­bil­i­ty Act, but I am vot­ing yes. Ive been in Con­gress for a decade and this is the first real bill that cuts spend­ing. It also includes an auto­mat­ic 1% cut to spend­ing on Jan­u­ary 1 if Con­gress does­nt pass the 12 appro­pri­a­tions bills.
  • MTG went silent on this because she knows the truth. MTG made a deal with Kevin McCarthy that is going to make her vote yes on some­thing that is going to hurt the peo­ple in her dis­trict. MTG is fol­low­ing McCarthy at this time. IF you believe this is a good deal, you are watch­ing too much Fox News.
  • Chris Christie to announce GOP pres­i­den­tial cam­paign next week.

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