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Is The Created Crisis Making the Way for FedNow Coming In July

  • They treat us like we are too dumb to under­stand. We have to tight­en our belts and cut back, and pay the high­er inter­est rates when nec­es­sary. When our gov­ern­ment nev­er has to hold back. The cor­rup­tion is so bad.
  • GA GOP con­ven­tion to briefly be cen­ter of Repub­li­can uni­verse.
  • DeSan­tis is spend­ing all of his mon­ey going after Woke. There is a melt down on social media on the deep state that he is involved with. IF Karl Rove is in your camp, that is all you need to know. DeSan­tis is talk­ing a good game. If it worked in FL play it every­where. They are chang­ing every­thing he has done in FL and putting it on a nation­al spin on it.
  • Elec­tion integri­ty. Is this true?
  • Break­ing: New video evi­dence of Mari­co­pa elec­tion offi­cials ille­gal­ly break­ing into sealed elec­tion machines after they were test­ed, repro­gram­ming mem­o­ry cards, and rein­stalling them. 59% of these machines would shut down on elec­tion day in GOP areas.
  • These videos only decrease vot­er con­fi­dence. Elec­tron­ic devices can be altered. The more videos that come out only point to hav­ing paper bal­lots.
  • If you are out there. Block chain tech­nol­o­gy. The cri­sis they are cre­at­ing is this
  • Long-await­ed Fed dig­i­tal pay­ment sys­tem to launch in July. The Fed­er­al Reserves dig­i­tal pay­ment sys­tem, which it promis­es will help speed up the way mon­ey moves, will debut in July. Fed­Now, as it will be known, will cre­ate a lead­ing-edge pay­ments sys­tem that is resilient, adap­tive, and acces­si­ble, ” says RIch­mond Fed Pres­i­dent Tom Barkin who is the pro­grams exec­u­tive spon­sor. The sys­tem will allow bill pay­ments, mon­ey trans­fers such as pay­checks and dis­burse­ment from the gov­ern­ment, as well as a host of oth­er con­sumer activ­i­ties to move more rapid­ly and at low­er cost accord­ing to the pro­grams goals. Par­tic­i­pants will com­plete a train­ing and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion process in ear­ly April, accord­ing to the Fed announce­ment. With the launch draw­ing near, we urge finan­cial insti­tu­tions and their indus­try part­ners to move full steam ahead with prepa­ra­tions to join the Fed­Now ser­vice, said Ken Mon­to­gomery, the pro­gram exec­u­tive and first vice pres­i­dent at the Box Fed, which helped spear­head the project under for­mer Boston Fed Pres­i­dent Eric Rosen­gren. Insti­tu­tions that par­tic­i­pate in the pro­gram will have sev­en-day 24-hour access, as opposed to a sys­tem cur­rent­ly in place that clos­es on week­ends.
  • Ask your local banker if they are sub­scrib­ing to the Fed­Now Ser­vice. Every sin­gle trans­ac­tion you make will have a dig­i­tal stamp and you will be a part of the dig­i­tal pay­ment sys­tem.
  • Lind­sey Gra­ham is stay­ing the video has been altered. He is hang­ing out with war­mon­gers like he likes to do. The best mon­ey we spent was killing Rus­sians. Now the Rus­sians have an arrest war­rant out for Lind­sey Gra­ham.
  • Wal­greens cut 10% work­force
  • Chi­na rejects US pro­pos­al for defense chiefs to meet.
  • Microsoft calls for AI rules to min­i­mize the tech­nol­o­gy risks. While we are mak­ing a deal with Biden. Microsoft is want­i­ng to make the rules for AI.
  • This is Doug Mas­tri­ano, ran for Gov of PA, Trump endorsed. There was a lot of talk, he is a PA state sen­a­tor. He may run for Sen­ate, he was nev­er going to run for Sen­ate. Mas­tri­ano had cam­paign debt. Some­one bailed out his cam­paign debt.

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