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The Hour of Your Liberation Has Come

  • June 6, 1944 — hour of your lib­er­a­tion has come. That was France. They did not change our uni­forms for pride month. These kids went out and lib­er­at­ed the coun­try.
  • Etowah Repub­li­can par­ty elec­tion integri­ty sum­mit last night with Gar­land Favorito. Bri­an has been involved in elec­tion integri­ty for over 17 years.
  • Don­ald Trump will be our keynote speak­er at the con­ven­tion on Sat­ur­day if he is not in jail. We have sev­er­al can­di­dates that are fake MAGA.
  • Trump’s lawyers meet with the jus­tice depart­ment offi­cials. They are say­ing this is a pre-indict­ment meet­ing. He may be indi­cat­ed with the grand jury as ear­ly as this week. What if Trump shows up at 3pm with anoth­er indict­ment and tells him he cant come to GA. This is going to get very ugly. There is a very ugly fight in GA.
  • Atlanta city coun­cil pass­es the fund­ing for Cop City.
  • The del­e­gates are talk­ing about the rule change. Anti Trai­tor pro­pos­al deep­ens rift in GA GOP.
  • Some things are going to hap­pen after the con­ven­tion. The 14th is very qui­et right now. There have been arti­cles writ­ten ask­ing for her res­ig­na­tion. Steve Ban­non and MTG have had a prob­lem for a long time. Peo­ple are con­fused and angry in the 14th.
  • Kennedy claims that Pfiz­er has fun­neled mon­ey through CNN to Ander­son Coop­er. He is out there say­ing some things that are mak­ing democ­rats ner­vous.
  • We are on indict­ment watch. They want Don­ald in jail.

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