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The Entire Fix Is In. The Timing Is Set For The Take Down Of Donald Trump

  • The entire fix is in. The tim­ing is set. There is a rea­son why the indict­ment in Man­hat­tan and the doc­u­ment indict­ment in FL. and the J6 indict­ment in DC and then the GA indict­ment will be last.
  • Most of the base does­nt want to vote on these machines. The Hal­der­man report comes out and says that the machines are not secure. It sets back vot­er con­fi­dence, that is vot­er sup­pres­sion. They know that the machine is a vot­er sup­pres­sion that will keep the base out. They released Kemp after the Hal­der­man report. Kemp has­nt made a com­ment. Now he is doing all these inter­views to look for­ward and not look back. That is for the GA rul­ing class. He alludes to that he will Sup­port the nom­i­nee. You have sev­er­al on the Kemp team that are shift­ing over work­ing on the DeSan­tis team. Now going to have the 4th indict­ment in GA. All the media will descend on GA. No push­back on the indict­ment of Trump in GA. This will be Don­ald Trump’s last act if they can secure it.
  • We know Biden is cor­rupt. We know the Deep State. The impeach­ment inquiry is just noise. For the GOP whis­pers about gov­ern­ment shut­down. There are 12 appro­pri­a­tions bills. Kevin McCarthy is going to want to lump them togeth­er with an omnibus bill. Biden will not get con­vict­ed or impeached.
  • Clip that may come back to haunt Joe: Video of Biden call­ing vot­er who asked about Hunters for­eign busi­ness a God­damn Liar resur­faces after $10M cor­rup­tion claims emerged. Joe Biden lashed out at a vot­er dur­ing a cam­paign event in 2019 call­ing the man a damn liar after he asked the then-can­di­date about his son Hunters for­eign busi­ness deals.
  • RFK Jr on Biden: I think the issues that are not com­ing up are wor­ry­ing enough that we real­ly need a real inves­ti­ga­tion these rev­e­la­tions where you had Buris­ma, which is a noto­ri­ous­ly cor­rupt com­pa­ny that paid out, appar­ent­ly, $10M to Hunter and his dad.
  • They are deter­mined to change your per­cep­tion on how you feel on every­thing.
  • GOPs crum­bling case against Biden on crime, immi­gra­tion and infla­tion.
  • They are going to say bet­ter, bet­ter, bet­ter and even though every­thing is high­er than when he took office, it is down. They will tell you that is a record num­ber of jobs, not its not. They will tell you that it is a record of the man­u­fac­tur­er, and its not. They have manip­u­lat­ed every num­ber to make you believe that there are record num­bers. They have not got­ten any­where close to the Trump econ­o­my.
  • Keep in mind that the Fed is expect­ed to raise inter­est rates this week. We have not met the Trump econ­o­my to where the Fed feels com­fort­able to reduce the inter­est rate. The wealthy dont pay inter­est. The Mid­dle Class pays inter­est. The wealthy get paid inter­est. The per­cep­tion is that things are not that great out there, and the real­i­ty is that until this stops things are not that great out there.

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