Home / News / 2020 President Selected from Basement, 2024 President Elected from Jail?!?

2020 President Selected from Basement, 2024 President Elected from Jail?!?

  • We are on Trump jail watch. Joe Biden appar­ent­ly won from the base­ment of his home in 2020. And is it pos­si­ble that the next pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States will get elect­ed from a jail cell in cell block C.
  • UFOs have to be real.
  • Judge sets Fri­day hear­ing on pro­tec­tive order issue. That will shut Trump down from say­ing any­thing about the case.
  • Ron DeSan­tis now fires his cam­paign man­ag­er in anoth­er shake-up. FL gov tried to revive his dwin­dling cam­paign with a change in lead­er­ship two weeks until the debate.
  • Coun­terof­fen­sives has been incre­men­tal just enough for you to send the next check. And they wont let you talk about the bor­der.
  • NYC still receiv­ing 10K ille­gals per month with 2M allowed into US under Biden despite reduc­tion claims.
  • We can­not sus­tain send­ing Ukraine mon­ey, banks being down­grad­ed, US being down­grad­ed, and ille­gals com­ing across the bor­der.
  • Migrants rave about McCar­ren Park shel­ter includ­ing hot food, snacks and pool.
  • BREAKING: Sanc­tu­ary state MA gov Mau­ra Healey declares a state of emer­gency over influx of ille­gals. Gov Healey is not ask­ing Bidens admin­is­tra­tion to close the bor­der but pleads to peo­ple of Mass to come togeth­er and help with the cri­sis as well as begs for more fed­er­al funds to deal with the ille­gals. This is a total com­plete demo­c­rat fail­ure allow­ing the bor­der to be open.
  • Joe Biden is at the Grand Canyon call­ing it the 9th won­der of the world, Kamala at the elec­tric bus plant says build them so peo­ple can get where they need to go, MA gov­er­nor declar­ing state of emer­gency because of influx of ille­gals, New­som fund­ed Chi­nese COVID lab known to Bidens FDA, reports of the heat index for today and Biden gives an inter­view at the weath­er chan­nel, White House cocaine came from some­one in the Biden fam­i­ly orbit and Joe knows who but Hunter Biden was not involved source claims.
  • What do these two have in com­mon? Sharon Coop­er, a repub­li­can from Mari­et­ta, she is not a repub­li­can. Ter­ry Cum­mings Rep­re­sen­ta­tives House Dis­trict 39, South Cobb, demo­c­rat. They both are speak­ers at a Nation­al Alliance on Men­tal Ill­ness for dis­cus­sions on HB520. HB520 is back on the leg­isla­tive ses­sion for next year. NAMI is a group that says under­age chil­dren should be allowed to get muti­lat­ed.
  • But the AJC wants to run sto­ries like: Geor­gia Sen­ate looks to curb cyber­bul­ly­ing in schools. Kemp read­ies new push for tort leg­is­la­tion in GA.

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