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What Is Happening In GA? CNN Production Breakdown

  • The repub­li­can nation­al con­ven­tion is July 15–18, 2024. It is July 31st and put into per­spec­tive what is hap­pen­ing in GA. When you have the for­mer AG Bill Barr say­ing he will jump off a bridge if Trump is the nom­i­nee and Chris Sununu say­ing that Trump wont be the nom­i­nee and he will sup­port the nom­i­nee. The rul­ing class will do all they can to stop Trump.
  • In Ful­ton Co DA is warn­ing to keep staff safe as Trumps indict­ment looms. All of this is com­ing into place.
  • There is a rea­son why Brad Raf­fensperg­er has nev­er bro­ken to say any­thing is wrong with our elec­tions in ga.
  • David Shafer is the for­mer State GOP Chair. He was a state sen­a­tor. Shafer ran against Geoff Dun­can for LT Gov. Dun­can ran the nasty cam­paign against Shafer. They are evil and out to get Shafer and Trump.
  • Gabe Ster­ling was the Domin­ion con­trac­tor and was an employ­ee of the sec­re­tary of state’s office. He gets away with lia­bil­i­ties.
  • They were lay­ing out the case last night on CNN. and there is smoke around Fani Willis this morn­ing and the bar­ri­cades around the cour­t­house in Ful­ton Co. If Brad budges off the secure elec­tion that opens the case for Trump.
  • They had to have alter­nate elec­tors because there was an open law­suit for Trump in the elec­tion. It is the 1960 sit­u­a­tion in HI when the gov­er­nor had cer­ti­fied the elec­tion for Nixon. Kennedy sued and won and the elec­tors were in place for Kennedy.
  • It’s all a set up. They are ask­ing for vio­lence. And this morn­ing Fani Willis tweets coun­ty lead­ers to keep staff safe.
  • Joe Biden has signed a doc­u­ment for the Depart­ment of Labor to imple­ment a Heat Haz­ard Alert.

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