Home / News / While The Illusion Is Being Created, Zelensky Is Throwing Drones At Moscow

While The Illusion Is Being Created, Zelensky Is Throwing Drones At Moscow

  • It was an illu­sion. Joe is the mag­ic man. Hunter Biden sold Illu­sion of access to his father, says for­mer busi­ness part­ner, Devon Archer, tells con­gress. The secret word of the day is illu­sion.
  • While the illu­sion is being cre­at­ed, Zelen­sky is throw­ing drones at Moscow. Rus­sia is the world’s largest nuclear threat. When we talk about Rus­sia, we know that Rus­sia does not have the ground game to fight a war. Putin is putting it out there that he will take the nukes out of Belarus. Instead of Ukraine focus­ing on a coun­terof­fen­sive, they want to take the war to Moscow.
  • For years we have had con­ver­sa­tions about Rose­mont Cap­i­tal with Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and John Ker­rys step son, Heinz. The Chi­nese used Rose­mont Cap­i­tal to buy prop­er­ties in Amer­i­ca. Now the law­mak­ers are want­i­ng to stop the Chi­nese.
  • Our great­est nation­al risk used to be one thing: our debt. Now the list is so long it is hard to keep up with, the indoc­tri­na­tion of our kids, the muti­la­tion of our kids, our debt, Joe Biden in the White House, Zelen­sky is throw­ing drones at Moscow and we won­der when Putin will throw back with a nuclear strike. And the media can only focus on Don­ald Trump.
  • War is return­ing to Rus­sia, Zelen­skyy says after drone attacks Why is this guy allowed to pro­voke Putin to a point of nuclear war and we con­tin­ue to write checks to this guy? A real pres­i­dent would be sit­ting on the beach, he would be call­ing in the staff and demand­ing Zelen­skyy to stand down. We know how cor­rupt Ukraine is. We watched Putin go across the bor­der in Ukraine. Then we start­ed send­ing checks in the bil­lions of dol­lars to Ukraine.
  • You would think that the media would have opened up talk­ing about the cor­rup­tion of the Biden fam­i­ly but the open­ing was the grand jury sched­uled to meet today in the Jan 6 probe. And the lead sto­ry is Car­los, Trumps prop­er­ty man­ag­er makes first court appear­ance.

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