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How Can This Happen In America?

  • Jesse Wat­ters is slammed after say­ing Trumps mugshot has broad­ened his appeal among black Amer­i­cans. Jesse is in trou­ble.
  • Col­orado ele­men­tary teacher kicks stu­dent out of class for wear­ing a Dont Tread On Me Gads­den flag, as GOV Jared Polis slams her claim its linked to slav­ery. This is a Col­orado ele­men­tary school teacher. If you are a teacher you should have known that the patch would be ok. Par­ents are tired of this.
  • This is ok. New Edu­ca­tion stan­dards force gay his­to­ry, cli­mate alarmism, and math iden­ti­ty rain­bows on stu­dents. Bal­ti­more city schools received 29 fed­er­al COVID grants total­ing $799M to fight learn­ing loss. Yet, in 2023, just 9.1% of all 3rd-8th graders test­ed pro­fi­cient in math. Mean­ing, tax­pay­ers gave an addi­tion­al $799M and 91% of Bal­ti­more stu­dents are not math pro­fi­cient. Doc­tors issue warn­ing over Chi­nese made opi­oid Nitrazine that is dead­lier than fen­tanyl and 1000 times more potent than mor­phine as it makes its way into the US drug sup­ply.
  • Yet we have the Trade Sec­re­tary, the for­mer gov­er­nor of Rhode Island is over in chi­na work­ing on Trade deals. What if we stopped trad­ing with Chi­na and put our mil­i­tary into Mex­i­co to stop the dead­ly drug.
  • Cal­i­for­nia sues a school dis­trict for requir­ing teach­ers to noti­fy par­ents if their child changes their gen­der iden­ti­ty or pro­nouns.
  • You live nowhere in Amer­i­ca where this can not hap­pen.
  • We got the W because a mom stood up for what was right and won. Dont let them push you around. Stand up for what is right for your kids.

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