OPINION: Joe Biden Absolutely The Worst Criminal Leader Ever
Submitted by George McClellan
Having said that, it is necessary to note that Joe Biden is only there in our bad dreams. Physically, hes an empty suited figurehead facing all the vicissitudes attendant with old age, but they wind him up like a cheap Chinese toy to say or read what hes been programed to say or read. But he wanted the job to cap a lackluster career rarely interrupted by legislative achievement. His Philadelphia, PA speech on 01 September was Democrats desperate attempt to stem the coming collapse of a lost political party, one not in harmony with Americas constitutional principles. Instead, for the Democrats, Joe issued a challenge to the greater half of the American population who are really getting pissed off watching Democrats destroy our once great functioning Republic and Republicans doing little or nothing to challenge it.
I suspect few watched Joes speech because nobody really cares but the stage setting, a gothic, blood red drenched background with two Marines posed at attention, their uniforms muted into murky darkness while Joe looked like he was auditioning for a part in Dantes Inferno, was scary. It was the Nine Circles of Hell, speech, a comedy but certainly not a Divine one. Joes speech was totally political like a candidate gives at a convention, not a speech to assuage the nation that as bad as things were he guaranteed to make em worse if we re-elected him. Instead, Joe declared war against Make America Great Again and threw a Hail Mary pass trying to deflect our attention from all the Democrat failures to just how wicked the Orange Man really was. Democrats, seeing the writing on the wall fear Trumps inevitable second coming so much that they will turn to every trick, any subterfuge, no matter how illegal, outrageous or reprehensible, to stop Trumps return. Corrupting the FBI, et al, to protect Democrat Marxist crimes, are themselves crimes of such an evil intent that the party functionaries responsible should expect to face trials, prison and maybe executions for their wanton perfidy. The FBIs Mar-a-Lago raid, to convince us that Trump was a reckless criminal deserving jail, thus eliminating him from ever running for public office again was, for most Americans, the last straw. Even honest FBI employees, including field agents, are coming out as whistleblowers demanding FBI Director Chris Wray, resign. That cant be good for Democrat hopes of creating their version of a KGB enforcement arm. But, back to Joes speech
It was intended to create to the impression of Trumps criminality and demonize Trump and Trump supporters as the greatest danger to democracy while ignoring Democrat failures that are truly crimes. Joe called us semi-fascists whatever that is but neither I, nor any of my associates or friends have ever run rampant on city streets trashing, burning and looting businesses, fighting police and counter demonstrators or pro-life advocates and anyone else who didnt meet the Lefts definition of democracy. Not one conservative group has performed like Germanys Brown Shirts did but the Democrat sponsored Antifas and BLMs do. Joe might have scored points if he had accused us all of being counter-revolutionaries, like the Bolsheviks did against their enemies, but semi-fascist? I was very disappointed. I wanted to be a counter-revolutionary, not a semi-facists, not even a half assed one. Joe breathlessly claimed he was battling for the soul of the nation and argued that our countrys democratic values will be at stake during the midterm elections. Well, hes right, but he didnt enumerate those democrat values, did he? Those values are enumerated in the US Constitution, the one Joe ignores. Just because they dont comply with Marxism, doesnt mean they no longer count. Democrats simply dont understand that or refuse too. Actually, they refuse to!
Joes speech was an exercise in slander. When debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. As conservatives, we should not attribute to malice that which is easily explained by stupidity. The two are handmaidens of incompetence. In the name of Democracy, Democrat policies have brought our country to the edge of internal conflict. No program of economic development can be as important as freedom from crime. Eradicating the criminality let loose on our society by Democrats must be the first order of business the new Republicans do.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get em! (03Sept22)