Home / News/ OPINION: Joe Biden Absolutely The Worst Criminal Leader Ever

OPINION: Joe Biden Absolutely The Worst Criminal Leader Ever

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

Hav­ing said that, it is nec­es­sary to note that Joe Biden is only there in our bad dreams. Phys­i­cal­ly, hes an emp­ty suit­ed fig­ure­head fac­ing all the vicis­si­tudes atten­dant with old age, but they wind him up like a cheap Chi­nese toy to say or read what hes been pro­gramed to say or read. But he want­ed the job to cap a lack­lus­ter career rarely inter­rupt­ed by leg­isla­tive achieve­ment. His Philadel­phia, PA speech on 01 Sep­tem­ber was Democ­rats des­per­ate attempt to stem the com­ing col­lapse of a lost polit­i­cal par­ty, one not in har­mo­ny with Amer­i­c­as con­sti­tu­tion­al prin­ci­ples. Instead, for the Democ­rats, Joe issued a chal­lenge to the greater half of the Amer­i­can pop­u­la­tion who are real­ly get­ting pissed off watch­ing Democ­rats destroy our once great func­tion­ing Repub­lic and Repub­li­cans doing lit­tle or noth­ing to chal­lenge it.

I sus­pect few watched Joes speech because nobody real­ly cares but the stage set­ting, a goth­ic, blood red drenched back­ground with two Marines posed at atten­tion, their uni­forms mut­ed into murky dark­ness while Joe looked like he was audi­tion­ing for a part in Dantes Infer­no, was scary. It was the Nine Cir­cles of Hell, speech, a com­e­dy but cer­tain­ly not a Divine one. Joes speech was total­ly polit­i­cal like a can­di­date gives at a con­ven­tion, not a speech to assuage the nation that as bad as things were he guar­an­teed to make em worse if we re-elect­ed him. Instead, Joe declared war against Make Amer­i­ca Great Again and threw a Hail Mary pass try­ing to deflect our atten­tion from all the Demo­c­rat fail­ures to just how wicked the Orange Man real­ly was. Democ­rats, see­ing the writ­ing on the wall fear Trumps inevitable sec­ond com­ing so much that they will turn to every trick, any sub­terfuge, no mat­ter how ille­gal, out­ra­geous or rep­re­hen­si­ble, to stop Trumps return. Cor­rupt­ing the FBI, et al, to pro­tect Demo­c­rat Marx­ist crimes, are them­selves crimes of such an evil intent that the par­ty func­tionar­ies respon­si­ble should expect to face tri­als, prison and maybe exe­cu­tions for their wan­ton per­fidy. The FBIs Mar-a-Lago raid, to con­vince us that Trump was a reck­less crim­i­nal deserv­ing jail, thus elim­i­nat­ing him from ever run­ning for pub­lic office again was, for most Amer­i­cans, the last straw. Even hon­est FBI employ­ees, includ­ing field agents, are com­ing out as whistle­blow­ers demand­ing FBI Direc­tor Chris Wray, resign. That cant be good for Demo­c­rat hopes of cre­at­ing their ver­sion of a KGB enforce­ment arm. But, back to Joes speech

It was intend­ed to cre­ate to the impres­sion of Trumps crim­i­nal­i­ty and demo­nize Trump and Trump sup­port­ers as the great­est dan­ger to democ­ra­cy while ignor­ing Demo­c­rat fail­ures that are tru­ly crimes. Joe called us semi-fas­cists what­ev­er that is but nei­ther I, nor any of my asso­ciates or friends have ever run ram­pant on city streets trash­ing, burn­ing and loot­ing busi­ness­es, fight­ing police and counter demon­stra­tors or pro-life advo­cates and any­one else who did­nt meet the Lefts def­i­n­i­tion of democ­ra­cy. Not one con­ser­v­a­tive group has per­formed like Ger­manys Brown Shirts did but the Demo­c­rat spon­sored Antifas and BLMs do. Joe might have scored points if he had accused us all of being counter-rev­o­lu­tion­ar­ies, like the Bol­she­viks did against their ene­mies, but semi-fas­cist? I was very dis­ap­point­ed. I want­ed to be a counter-rev­o­lu­tion­ary, not a semi-facists, not even a half assed one. Joe breath­less­ly claimed he was bat­tling for the soul of the nation and argued that our coun­trys demo­c­ra­t­ic val­ues will be at stake dur­ing the midterm elec­tions. Well, hes right, but he did­nt enu­mer­ate those demo­c­rat val­ues, did he? Those val­ues are enu­mer­at­ed in the US Con­sti­tu­tion, the one Joe ignores. Just because they dont com­ply with Marx­ism, does­nt mean they no longer count. Democ­rats sim­ply dont under­stand that or refuse too. Actu­al­ly, they refuse to!

Joes speech was an exer­cise in slan­der. When debate is lost, slan­der becomes the tool of the los­er. As con­ser­v­a­tives, we should not attribute to mal­ice that which is eas­i­ly explained by stu­pid­i­ty. The two are hand­maid­ens of incom­pe­tence. In the name of Democ­ra­cy, Demo­c­rat poli­cies have brought our coun­try to the edge of inter­nal con­flict. No pro­gram of eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment can be as impor­tant as free­dom from crime. Erad­i­cat­ing the crim­i­nal­i­ty let loose on our soci­ety by Democ­rats must be the first order of busi­ness the new Repub­li­cans do.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get em! (03Sept22)

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