Home / News/ OPINION: Joes Future Career Options, Is Not As a Dictator

OPINION: Joes Future Career Options, Is Not As a Dictator


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

Joe Biden, in his shock­ing­ly dam­ag­ing Inde­pen­dence Hall Philadel­phia speech, apart from call­ing 75 mil­lion Amer­i­cans semi-facists and a dan­ger to democ­ra­cy, essen­tial­ly called for a one par­ty state. Dic­ta­tors can’t sur­vive in oth­er than a one par­ty state so Joe was effec­tive­ly telling Amer­i­cans we need­ed to be led by a dic­ta­tor, pre­sum­ably him. We don’t thinks so! Joe’s already shown us he can’t lead. Apart from the creep­ing infir­mi­ties of advanc­ing old age, demen­tia and clum­si­ness, his men­tal acu­ity is espe­cial­ly on dis­play when we see him led by the East­er Bun­ny and shake hands with the invis­i­ble man.

We’ve had recent good exam­ples of how dic­ta­tors oper­ate one par­ty states, ter­ri­bly! Most of ‘em no longer around. Germany’s Hitler of WW II fame imme­di­ate­ly comes to mind as does Stal­in of the Sovi­et Union, Cam­bo­di­a’s Pol Pot, Chair­man Mao of Chi­na, a cou­ple of African Trib­al Chief­tains and Iraq’s Sad­dam Hus­sein. All are gone, yet Joe Biden wants to make Amer­i­ca a one par­ty state, in effect a dic­ta­tor­ship. It can’t work! In Amer­i­ca, the com­pe­ti­tion of ideas, must be based on the Con­sti­tu­tion­al rule of law, but have no place in the dis­course of poten­tial dic­ta­tors and bears no rel­e­vance to the Democ­rats absolute deter­mi­na­tion to make Amer­i­ca Social­ist. If Joe tru­ly wants to be a dic­ta­tor, then let’s look at some comparisons.

Hitler, many may be sur­prised to learn, like Joe, was legal­ly elect­ed to office. In fierce com­pe­ti­tion with oth­er polit­i­cal par­ties, the Social Democ­rats, Chris­t­ian Democ­rats and Com­mu­nists in Ger­manys chaot­ic post WWI Weimar Repub­lic, Hitler cam­paigned effec­tive­ly using when appro­pri­ate, his Antifa’s and BLM street thugs to intim­i­date oth­ers. He staged the burn­ing down of the Reich­stag, arrest­ed and jailed oppo­nents, (6Jan21) and in the end, he pre­vailed. It can be argued how he accom­plished that feat but, like Joe’s 2020 elec­tion, he was elect­ed and the NSDAP (Nazi’s), became Ger­manys one par­ty sys­tem. Sur­pris­ing­ly, it was the Great Depres­sion that ulti­mate­ly pro­pelled the Nazi Par­ty to its suc­cess. Biden’s econ­o­my, now unques­tion­ably in a real reces­sion approach­es the dis­tinct pos­si­bil­i­ty that a depres­sion is just around the cor­ner but there’s no leader ready to take con­trol. How’s that for a comparison?

Hitler’s exper­tise in the use of pro­pa­gan­da exploit­ed excit­ing new tech­nolo­gies to advance his ideas, ie: the air­plane, radio and motion pic­tures. As a gift­ed ora­tor, he spoke in sim­ple terms con­vinc­ing Ger­mans they had been stabbed in the back by politi­cians (and Jews) and that he would make Germany’s great again. Joe, on the oth­er hand has no such ora­tor­i­cal skills, his tech­nol­o­gy, the teleprompter and cell phone, all seem to con­spire against him. Joe’s dai­ly exis­tence, lim­it­ed as it is to naps and fix­ing gaffes he made an hour before, fails because he has noth­ing new to show but fail­ure. Like­wise, his resume is a sto­ry­book his­to­ry of pla­gia­rism, false­hoods and out­right lies gar­nered through­out his near­ly fifty long years in gov­ern­ment. He can point to no real ene­mies except oth­er Amer­i­cans like the suc­cess­ful Don­ald Trump and Trump’s sup­port­ers. The guy has no class!

Hitler was gift­ed with a charis­mat­ic style that appealed to large seg­ments of a dis­heart­ened pop­u­la­tion suf­fer­ing eco­nom­ic ruin caused by exces­sive mon­e­tary demands the Treaty of Ver­sailles imposed and the grow­ing world depres­sion. Joe, bur­dened with an over abun­dance of self-con­fi­dence, (he did become pres­i­dent after all), has great dif­fi­cul­ty stick­ing to the script on his teleprompter, ram­bling dan­ger­ous­ly on when a stray thought enters his bleak mind and speaks to his prej­u­dices when he’s on a roll as his staff cringes in embar­rass­ment. Both Stal­in and Mao were bru­tal in their pop­u­la­tion con­trol mea­sures mur­der­ing mil­lions of their cit­i­zens just to get rid on ‘em. Nei­ther real­ly led their coun­tries, they sim­ply ordered things to be done accord­ing to Marx­ist ideals of suc­cess, their pop­u­la­tions be damned. While Mao was a true Marx­ist, Stal­in was a true hood­lum who knew how to wield pow­er through fear. Hap­pi­ly, Joe has nei­ther of those traits but, who’s to fol­low? How about Gavin New­som? Beware of the future because nei­ther Joe nor Kamala will be in it.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (05Sep22)

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