OPINION: Finding Good Leadership
Submitted by George McClellan
Our worst problem in picking who should be our president is assuming that Senators would make good presidents because well, after all, they are experienced politicians who have Americas best interest in mind. Well, It hasnt worked yet and Joe Biden is just the latest dismal example of the failure of a Democrat Senator becoming President, whereas, most governors with administrative experience or successful businessmen with proven economic, negotiating and contract acumen have mostly turned out to have the leadership skills required to successfully run a nation (big business) like ours. Naturally, exceptions arise but, as for Senators, I cant think of one who has been successful, not even JFK.
Senators live and work in their own little worlds pushed and jostled by forces seeking the favor of their vote. In their careers by necessity, Senators become creatures of those competing monetary forces looking for favors. A wag once said: The Lust for money is the root of all evil and being a politician, constantly seeking the funds for reelection campaigns essentially proves it. America’s two party system has always been corrupt to some degree and occasionally an American President will see the dangers and take action to correct it. Teddy Roosevelt comes to mind. Up until the end of WWII, Americans, both people and industry pulled together to defeat the Fascist Axis of Germany and Italy plus Imperial Japan. All three countries have since risen in world economic stature while America, their saviors, is descending into godless socialism because we didnt defeat the Marxists now cunningly transformed to Democrats who have used the decades since to reshaped American culture into what today has become The National Socialist Elite Leaders Party. They arent Americans as we knew em!
The Progressives insistence on Wokeism for example, is not a policy for American success but a destructive Marxist scheme specifically designed to divide Americans on issues of social justice, which it has, and turn Americans against each other which they are. Our system of education has been debased by Democrats inserting the destructive philosophies of CRT and transgenderism on our innocent little children and hate America political indoctrination into our colleges and universities, including debasing our military as a fighting machine by forced wokeism and mandates for Covid injections that have proven as dangerous as the disease itself. Add to that the mandated closing of businesses by local tyrants that killed local economies and reducing the American work force by subsidizing laziness. It is the intended outcome of Joe’s presidency. American’s usually dont comply with nonsense. Will they now?
To ensure compliance with Progressive demands outside the rule of law, Joe’s Progressive government is turning to the Chinese and George Orwell model, by enlarging the apparatus of federal law enforcement and expanding federal regulatory agencies like the IRS, the corrupt Department of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health & Human Services to ensure Progressive Socialism gets firmly rooted in the American psyche. How can it not when our College graduates have become indoctrination centers for training more rotten little communists?
The problems seem overwhelming. Joe, immediately he assumed office, abandon the rule of law on immigration control, threw open the borders, opened the door for his son Hunter’s nefarious business dealings abroad, conducted business in foreign countries without registering as agents of that foreign country, money laundering using government channels to hide the crimes, and launching a full assault on Joes 2024 competitor, Donald Trump.
Senators, as dictators or presidents, is a bad choice. The next example up, God forbid, is Kamala Harris against whom it appears, all unite in speaking ill. The Democrat leadership coffers are empty, like our Treasury. There is no depth of suitable leadership left in the vacuous hole that is the Democrat Party. There is leadership, effective and proven in Republican ranks raring and willing to go. Forget the NeoCons, they are just a shadow of the Deep State that has got us where we are today. This election is too important to throw away. Choose wisely!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, lets go get em! (06Sep22)