Home / News/ OPINION: What’s Coming After Elizabeth’s Death.

OPINION: What’s Coming After Elizabeth’s Death.


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

The Left’s coor­di­nat­ed attacks on Queen Eliz­a­beth II began imme­di­ate­ly after she died. It rep­re­sents the Left’s embold­ened empha­sis on increas­ing their attacks on West­ern cul­tures as Marx­ism demands, to force us into the New World Order. Expect increased vio­lence from the Left and be pre­pared to meet it. Our West­ern cul­ture and our Con­sti­tu­tion­al Repub­lic, like Great Britain, are in per­il. It’s already start­ed with reli­gion. Both Catholic and Protes­tant faiths are tak­ing seri­ous hits to their pur­pose, suc­ceed­ing to the point that the once great Cathe­drals of Europe and the Amer­i­c­as are near­ly emp­ty of wor­ship­pers and worse, true believ­ers. It’s hap­pened before and Chris­tian­i­ty will recov­er as it has always, because faith is the glue of the moral fab­ric that keeps us from regress­ing into trib­al­ism for survival.

HM Eliz­a­beth II, was the last remain­ing icon of the old world order of Euro­pean Colo­nial­ism. The British per­fect­ed it and once upon a time, it was true that the Sun nev­er sat on the British Empire. World War I deliv­ered Great Britain a dead­ly blow with the loss of so many of it’s young men and WWII clinched the deal reduc­ing the once great British Empire that spanned the globe, to a Com­mon­wealth of sep­a­rate nations. The Empire was done! The British left many once dys­func­tion­al trib­al nations far bet­ter off then they were before with the intro­duc­tion of the calm­ing influ­ence of rule of law and Jus­tice, end­ing of slav­ery as best they could, edu­ca­tion, Chris­t­ian moral val­ues, intro­duc­ing the con­cepts of demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­ern­ment, even if it was for a time under a benev­o­lent monarch, and lev­el­ing the play­ing field for more peo­ple to suc­ceed in life rather than scratch a fear­ful exis­tence against tyran­ny just to sur­vive. For the record, Amer­i­ca didn’t col­o­nize the Philip­pines or Cuba after defeat­ing the Span­ish Colonists, we just bought ‘em for awhile, raised their stan­dards, defend them from fas­cists, then gave ‘em back!

In the 20th Cen­tu­ry, the British gov­ern­ment found it equi­table, for rea­sons of inclu­sion, diver­si­ty and fair­ness, to make avail­able to cit­i­zens of its Com­mon­wealth coun­tries, British Pass­ports and since then, Great Britain has filled up with hoards of sub-con­ti­nent and Caribbean cit­i­zens alter­ing the very fab­ric of Britain’s Euro­pean cul­ture, reli­gion, soci­ety and gov­ern­ment. The Tory Cab­i­net of recent British PM Boris Johnson’s gov­ern­ment, was com­posed of politi­cians bear­ing names almost unpro­nounce­able to most West­ern­ers. What became of the indige­nous Brits one won­ders? Yes, things are chang­ing polit­i­cal­ly in the UK and if Biden’s open bor­ders pol­i­cy con­tin­ues, they’ll be chang­ing for Amer­i­ca as well. As long as the Marx­ist Democ­rats retain con­trol of our gov­ern­ment, we may soon be stand­ing along­side Britain as a piti­ful third world coun­try pay­ing homage to the One World Gov­ern­ment with the UN as their enforce­ment agency. Once unit­ed for a pros­per­ous Amer­i­ca, the work­able coop­er­a­tion between our two US polit­i­cal par­ties has dete­ri­o­rat­ed into hate­ful acts of slan­der, lying and dirty tricks includ­ing cor­rupt­ing of fed­er­al law enforce­ment to crim­i­nal­ize Amer­i­can con­ser­v­a­tives try­ing to main­tain a true Amer­i­ca. We know its the Demo­c­rat Par­ty com­mit­ting these offens­es against us because they can’t hide it any more. They’ve been exposed, but they are not alone, they work in har­mo­ny with oth­er cor­rupt­ing Marx­ist forces intent on dimin­ish­ing Amer­i­ca’s great­ness, ie.: the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty, the World Eco­nom­ic Forum, the Unit­ed Nations, the Demo­c­rat Par­ty and its media lackey’s and select­ed Amer­i­can bil­lion­aires run­ning Woke cen­sor­ship cor­po­ra­tions to pro­tect Democ­rats from their crimes against the Constitution.

The Left is destroy­ing Amer­i­ca through destruc­tive eco­nom­ics poli­cies, sidelin­ing our vast ener­gy resources, invit­ing hoards of ille­gals across our bor­ders, with­out pass­ports, to fill Demo­c­rat vot­er rolls and allow the sale of vast acres of agri­cul­ture pro­duc­tion land to bil­lion­aires and the Chi­nese Gov­ern­ment. Food short­ages have been in the plan­ning for years as a way for gov­ern­ment to con­trol us. Proof lies with the actions by the Fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to shut down Amish farms that grow their own food. Why? For con­trol! Democ­rats, hav­ing no agen­da they can sell to Amer­i­cans except absolute fail­ure, is push­ing Amer­i­cans to a near civ­il war. As con­ser­v­a­tive Amer­i­cans, we must be pre­pared to counter them with­out fear.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (10Sept22)

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