Home / News/ OPINION: Can It be the End of the Radical Democrat Party?

OPINION: Can It be the End of the Radical Democrat Party?


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

The Demo­c­rat Par­ty is dete­ri­o­rat­ing before our very eyes as we wit­ness a slow­ly grow­ing cadre of Demo­c­rat law­mak­ers at state lev­els switch­ing their par­ty affil­i­a­tions. As the hem­or­rhage con­tin­ues, stead­fast rad­i­cal Democ­rats do what they always do when los­ing: admit noth­ing, deny every­thing and blame some­body else.

“The Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty of today is the par­ty of crime and law­less­ness, the par­ty of mobs, unchecked ille­gal immi­gra­tion, run­away gov­ern­ment spend­ing, late-term abor­tion, and gov­ern­ment over­reach. The Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty lacks any account­abil­i­ty, yet they abuse gov­ern­men­tal pow­ers to sup­press those who dare to oppose their opin­ions,” …Egline McAr­dle, Chair­woman, W.Va., Repub­li­can Party.

I’m glad to hear that some­body else came right out and said that pub­licly oth­er than me. This quote came about when W.Va. law­mak­er Elliott Pritt brave­ly switched from the Demo­c­rat to the Repub­li­can Par­ty. The law­mak­er said: “I sim­ply can­not con­tin­ue down the road that the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty is head­ed if I am to accu­rate­ly rep­re­sent my con­stituents and my peo­ple as well as my own con­science.” A North Car­oli­na leg­is­la­tor has also announced her change of par­ty affil­i­a­tion from Dems to Reps as well, and so the exo­dus has begun, as does the flow of tax­pay­ers from Blue states to Red. The Demo­c­rat par­ty, firm­ly in the hands of rad­i­cal  Pro­gres­sives (Marx­ists) that hates Amer­i­ca, demands that we all become Gay trans dressers and bring our lit­tle chil­dren along with us. In the mean­time, we’re being invad­ed by mil­lions of ille­gal aliens includ­ing Jihadist ter­ror­ists, Chi­nese spies and mil­i­tary oper­a­tives, drug deal­ers and sex traf­fick­ers while we lis­ten to Ale­jan­dro May­orkas, FBI Direc­tor Wray, & US Attor­ney Gen­er­al Mer­rick B. Gar­land, sit in front of Con­gres­sion­al com­mit­tees and lie, lie, lie. Have they no shame? Appar­ent­ly not, and why haven’t they been charged with those offens­es? For all that why hasn’t the Repub­li­can Con­gress start­ed impeach­ment pro­ceed­ings against Joe Biden? They should do it imme­di­ate­ly if not soon­er. Joe’s got to go and Kamala too!

While the world around us is prepar­ing for WWIII, slow Joe, is just fin­ish­ing his nap. The cor­rupt­ed media in its con­fu­sion, rally’s in sup­port of Joe’s re-elec­tion bid so he can “fin­ish the job” while com­plete­ly ignor­ing his declin­ing phys­i­cal and men­tal capac­i­ties on full dis­play every time they drag him out of the base­ment and prop him up at his lectern. Per­haps they should not inter­rupt Joes nap time and just bring out a card­board pic­ture cutout and tape recorder?

No one except the lega­cy media, and Karien Jean Pierre has any faith in Joe’s abil­i­ty to do any­thing for the good of the coun­try. We see Joe Biden as a lost soul drift­ing aim­less­ly on a sea of con­fu­sion while his Marx­ist han­dlers set about com­plet­ing the destruc­tion of America.

This should be a night­mare, because clue­less Har­ris is nowhere near pre­pared to be the com­man­der-in-chief of any­thing. She couldn’t even man­age to vis­it the bor­der as Joe’s bor­der Czar. As I’ve said before, I think Democ­rats know the dan­gers of keep­ing Joe and are schem­ing to replace him with Kamala Har­ris as their only option espe­cial­ly as the time remain­ing in Joes term is so short. Ouch!  Also, Har­ris has the low­est approval rat­ings of any vice pres­i­dent in recent his­to­ry.  To top it off, she has been unable to shake the crit­i­cism that she isn’t tak­ing her role as leader of the Biden admin­is­tra­tion seri­ous­ly. Laugh­ably, Sen. Chris Coons (D‑DE), a Viet­nam Marine com­bat hero (he said so) and top Biden sup­port­er, said that Har­ris is: “ready to be pres­i­dent should that ever hap­pen.” Equably laugh­able is Ale­jan­dro May­orkas, when asked if Biden is up for a sec­ond term, said that Biden: is “100%” ready and “incred­i­bly sharp.” And WWIII is still rush­ing at us like an oncom­ing train and yet noth­ing about the Biden Admin­is­tra­tion express­es con­cern. Indeed, noth­ing appears authen­tic except the fear Democ­rats are gen­er­at­ing about every­thing except the future. This cor­rupt­ed Chi­nese con­trolled admin­is­tra­tion remains a clear and present dan­ger. It has to be uproot­ed — now!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (03May23)

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