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OPINION: Get ready, get set, get Woke?

Sub­mit­ted by W. Jule Wind­ham

On most col­lege cam­pus­es and now the board rooms of many major cor­po­ra­tions there are indi­vid­u­als who have a dif­fer­ent view of soci­ety and Amer­i­ca from the major­i­ty of cit­i­zens. They see harm, inequity, oppres­sion, and racism in almost every aspect of life. And they are right.

All these things exist in some mea­sure and have at one time or anoth­er effect­ed absolute­ly every one of us peri­od. No gen­der, race, reli­gion, or polit­i­cal per­sua­sion has been exclud­ed from bad or big­ot­ed behav­ior placed upon them by oth­ers. Every one of us has been mis­treat­ed in our lives and if we dwell only on the neg­a­tive, well it will make us woke.

Life is unfair. In the thou­sands of years of civ­i­liza­tion, a utopi­an or per­fect soci­ety where every­one is equal in abil­i­ty, intel­li­gence, per­son­al­i­ty, appear­ance, and work eth­ic has nev­er exist­ed. One would think some group, some civ­i­liza­tion would have obtained this goal in the his­to­ry of mankind, but it has­nt hap­pened. Life is just fun­ny that way. Peo­ple are so dif­fer­ent in thought, abil­i­ty, and goals. A place where every­one is treat­ed equal­ly under the law can occur, and Amer­i­ca strives to obtain that goal, but Amer­i­ca is not per­fect, just as peo­ple are not per­fect. But even in a per­fect world where there are absolute­ly no inequities, indi­vid­ual out­comes will nev­er be the same. This is in con­trast to the woke phi­los­o­phy that every­one would reach the same lev­el of suc­cess if it was not for the wrongs placed upon them.

We all know peo­ple who grew up in the same house­hold, had the same par­ents, had the same oppor­tu­ni­ties, and went to the same school. Per­haps one child in this fam­i­ly was a notable ath­lete, the oth­er child could not catch a ball in a fish­ing net, but was an excel­lent stu­dent, and the third child well he is try­ing to fig­ure out who or what he is. Same genet­ic make-up, very dif­fer­ent abil­i­ties, and not the same. To the woke they must have some­one to blame for this inequity among this group. Per­haps these chil­dren are not the same due to their teach­ers, no it was their neigh­bors, or per­haps it was law enforce­ment who gave one of the chil­dren a cita­tion and warped his mind. No in real­i­ty it is life.

Life sim­ply is dif­fer­ent for dif­fer­ent peo­ple and folks call­ing them­selves woke is the most iron­ic word for some­one who in real­i­ty is very closed mind­ed. The woke per­son are the folks that are absolute­ly sure they are cor­rect in all their opin­ions. An exam­ple is the woke thought Geor­gias vot­ing laws were so bad they had the major league base­ball play­off moved from Atlanta cost­ing the city and local busi­ness­es hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars. Oops they were wrong. No apol­o­gy, not even a word.

The rea­son they dont apol­o­gize is first they will nev­er con­cede they are wrong, but more impor­tant­ly they are not sig­nif­i­cant­ly affect­ed by their actions. Their bad deci­sions only hurt oth­ers not them­selves. Woke folks gen­er­al­ly see the world from the posi­tion that they are smarter than every­one else and have spe­cial knowl­edge an any­one who has a dif­fer­ent opin­ion from them is clear­ly unen­light­ened and is part of the sys­temic oppres­sion that is in every­one except them. Poor peo­ple who have dif­fi­cul­ty feed­ing their fam­i­ly arent woke. They dont have time to wor­ry about mat­ters that dont put food on their table. The mid­dle-class arent woke, because they see the ben­e­fit of their labors, and under­stand the world is not per­fect, but they dont feel like a vic­tim. The woke most­ly are the wealthy, the aca­d­e­mics, the politi­cians, what some folks would call the priv­i­leged. The woke dont work 40+ hours a week, they dont under­stand strug­gling to pay bills, they have nev­er pro­duced any­thing, but hot air.

Amer­i­ca is not a utopia or per­fect soci­ety, but in the his­to­ry of the world it is one of the best exam­ples of a nation that strives to be equal under the law. That is about as good as it gets.

So, to all you woke folks, get ready, get set, and wake up from being woke.


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