Home / News/ OPINION: The RiNOs are Squirming

OPINION: The RiNOs are Squirming

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

When asked if Trump is elec­table in 2024, Paul Ryan, the unre­mark­able but destruc­tive to the GOP for­mer GOP Speak­er of the House, and who now sits on the board of direc­tors of Fox News, told FoxNew Busi­ness host, Stu­art Var­ney that the GOP will not nom­i­nate Trump in any event. Ryan first laughed off the ques­tion, say­ing: Bear in mind, every­body knows our feel­ings towards each oth­er. He hates Trump and Trump hates him. He then went on to say that the par­ty is going to want to win so bad­ly and beat Biden and the Democ­rats in 2024, that we wont nom­i­nate Trump because we want to win. Maybe but, maybe not. I dont think Ryan can’t see the for­est for the trees. Ryan was a Deep State oper­a­tive, a use­ful idiot to the lets make mon­ey crowd, real­iz­ing that repub­li­can­ism as a form of gov­ern­ment, has too many road blocks for a sim­ply politi­cian to earn his wealth. Just guess­ing!

It the inter­view, Ryan opined that the estab­lish­ment Repub­li­can approach to future elec­tions is to embrace the new direc­tion in Amer­i­can pol­i­tics, the sub­ur­ban vot­er. He added, it is real­ly clear that this group of vot­ers dont like Pres­i­dent Trump but do like Repub­li­cans, so I think any­body not named Trump, I think is so much more like­ly to win the White House for us. Ryan believes the risk is too great to give the nom­i­na­tion to Trump because he (Trump) thinks the par­ty lost this much, this fast in two years. Ryan did­nt acknowl­edge the real­i­ty that Trump did win the White House for the GOP and seized con­trol of Con­gress in 2016, which Speak­er Ryan fum­bled away. Ryan must assume the GOP will still be in RiNO hands in two years.

Ryan thought the bet­ter con­tenders in the GOP line up were: for­mer Sec­re­tary of State Mike Pom­peo, for­mer UN ambas­sador Nik­ki Haley, Vir­ginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, and of course, Flori­da Gov. Ron DeSan­tis. And, I cant dis­agree with him, but not in 2024. Trump as a busi­ness­man has a proven pro Amer­i­can track record of accom­plish­ment, espe­cial­ly in jobs, eco­nom­ics, tax reduc­tion and ener­gy that the feck­less and ille­git­i­mate incom­pe­tent, Joe Biden imme­di­ate­ly destroyed. Because of Joe Biden and his cadre of Marx­ist han­dlers Amer­i­ca, if we let it, is head­ed for the trash heap of his­to­ry. We’ve gone from a repub­li­can, Con­sti­tu­tion­al form of gov­ern­ment to an elit­ist regime of real­ly stu­pid peo­ple. Our free­doms decline with each pass­ing year and each Exec­u­tive Order that Biden scrib­bles his name on and now, at the very run up to the Novem­ber mid-term elec­tions, were faced with a prospect of ter­ror by the can­cel cul­ture. If we lose this elec­tion and keep RiNOs as our stan­dard-bear­ers, we will have then trad­ed the Amer­i­can Rev­o­lu­tion for the Cul­tur­al Rev­o­lu­tion.

It is no won­der our nation has become weak, its lead­er­ship lying in the hands of a fee­ble, doter­ing old fool in fact, the old­est man to ever serve in the office. His admin­is­tra­tion of Marx­ists cant (wont) defend our bor­ders, wants to rewrite our his­to­ry and open our streets for the uncon­trolled use of the home­less, drug users and street crim­i­nals. Our Blue cities have become filled with unre­pen­tant anar­chists intent on installing Marx­ism by force, threats of vio­lence and intim­i­da­tion. Hoards of young Amer­i­cans of African descent have been giv­en free license to strip com­mer­cial busi­ness­es of their prod­uct in swift acts of mob loot­ing while the police have been hog-tied by Marx­ist politi­cians run­ning Blue cities. They have made us a nation of losers depen­dent on Democ­rats for our dai­ly sur­vival. To appear they are doing some­thing, mis­placed pro­grams by Left­ist do-good­ers mov­ing the Home­less from filthy, drug infest­ed street encamp­ments to posh hotels was man­dat­ed all at the expense of whats left of Amer­i­c­as pro­duc­ers and tax pay­ers. Social­ism is dead­ly and it must end.

Oth­er GOP voic­es are now resur­fac­ing in the hope of push­ing the RiNO mes­sage for par­ty uni­ty, like the hap­less John Kasich for­mer Con­gress­man and Gov­er­nor of Ohio and a cer­ti­fied RiNO, Jeb Bush, a los­er, har­bors some latent desire to fol­low his broth­er and father into the White House, and as the next two years unfold, there will be more. Now is time for a house clean­ing of the Deep State GOP­ers. With friends like that who needs ene­mies?

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get em! (30Oct22)

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