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OPINION: Looking Down the Road

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

The New World Order crowd of Klaus Fuchs World Eco­nom­ic Forum, that group of elit­ist who argue its in our best inter­est as well as theirs, that the world should be reor­ga­nized with­out bor­ders by mix­ing peas­ants and camel dri­vers with the Wests mid­dle class pro­duc­ers being care­ful to exclude them­selves. Their aim they claim, is to lev­el the eco­nom­ic play­ing field for all the worlds cit­i­zens. Its the Democ­rats ver­sion of diver­si­ty, equi­ty and inclu­sion of the entire world as a sin­gle eco­nom­ic unit with them in charge. Its The Great Reset non­sense that can­not work because the vari­ables are infi­nite, con­fu­sion will reign and chance will gov­ern all.

Economies are based on sup­ply and demand. How for exam­ple, would they deal with the sev­er­al Mex­i­can drug car­tels who, apart from flood­ing the great unwashed across our south­ern bor­der are sup­ply­ing the demands of Amer­i­c­as drug users to the tune of mil­lions and mil­lions of dol­lars? On that issue, I am not at all ret­i­cent in pre­dict­ing that a war with Mex­i­co is not an improb­a­bil­i­ty, but an inevitabil­i­ty. But not until the Marx­ists are out of our gov­ern­ment. Mex­i­co has a gov­ern­ment that has been cor­rupt­ed by drugs. In fact, Mex­i­cos pol­i­tics is run by the drug car­tels who, at the moment, wage war between them­selves over ter­ri­to­ry, but will one day come togeth­er to become the defac­to gov­ern­ment of a very cor­rupt nation on our bor­der and I dont mean Cana­da.

On the broad­er scale, his­tor­i­cal­ly, Mex­i­cos crim­i­nal ele­ments first start­ed as poor peo­ple fill­ing a demand of the Norte Amer­i­canos for the prod­uct they had to offer, cheap mar­i­jua­na. Wow, look at all that mon­ey flow­ing it. That was fol­lowed by cocaine, a prod­uct grown exclu­sive­ly in South Amer­i­ca, then hero­in import­ed from Asia and now fen­tanyl, a drug not grown any­where except in a Chi­nese chem­i­cal lab­o­ra­to­ry. The obscene prof­its have been shared with Mex­i­co’s sus­cep­ti­ble law enforce­ment, local, fed­er­al, and the mil­i­tary, but most cer­tain­ly the politi­cians who run the gov­ern­ment. Already, brazen car­tel thugs have fired auto­mat­ic weapons at US troops and Bor­der Patrol offi­cers across the Rio Grande riv­er. Its not a great step to fire back then, just like the FBIs SWAT teams invades the homes of US con­ser­v­a­tives in the dark of night, Spe­cial Forces can swoop in with com­plete dead­ly force and elim­i­nate the car­tels once and for all. The Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment will be con­vinced to par­tic­i­pate or fall vic­tim to regime change. Its a deal they cant refuse. We already pos­sess the intel­li­gence need­ed to make it hap­pen. Its just a mat­ter of hav­ing a leader with the gump­tion to do it. Were doing it in the Ukraine against the Rus­sians arent we? We can do it here.

This Mex­i­can style crim­i­nal orga­ni­za­tion­al set up is read­i­ly reflect­ed in Amer­i­c­as Blue cities where orga­nized gangs of dis­af­fect­ed youths, most­ly poor blacks armed to the teeth, fierce­ly run their own drug oper­a­tions. Chica­go is a good exam­ple among many, as their death rate by vio­lence eas­i­ly echos Mex­i­cos where car­tel gangs have mur­dered cit­i­zens enmass if they get in the way. To be fair, Mex­i­can police and mil­i­tary, fre­quent­ly vic­tims them­selves of car­tel vio­lence, are all but help­less in stem­ming the tide because, being poor they are equal­ly sus­cep­ti­ble to bribes, just like Joe Biden and his fam­i­ly, the Clin­tons and the Oba­mas are.

While we rec­og­nize that the gov­ern­ment of Mex­i­co has been cor­rupt­ed, we must rec­og­nize as well that our own gov­ern­ment is cor­rupt, its lead­er­ship hav­ing turned from Con­sti­tu­tion­al require­ments and safe­guards to embrace what works best for them polit­i­cal­ly. Present­ly, a new style of com­mu­nists run our gov­ern­ment and have quick­ly brought it into dis­re­pute filled as it is with liars, cheaters and grifters, thieves and haters, per­verts and, dare I say, real racists. Both Mex­i­co and Amer­i­ca, hav­ing seen jus­tice replaced by injus­tice, ram­pant crime and cor­rup­tion fund­ed by illic­it and dead­ly drugs oper­a­tions, are ripe for rev­o­lu­tion. Crim­i­nals are unprin­ci­pled, immoral, and heart­less. Good peo­ple are not, but the best of good peo­ple know that to remain untaint­ed by cor­rup­tion, be hap­py and pro­duc­tive, then a line of ruth­less­ness must be includ­ed in any plan if it is to remain so. Its peo­ples nat­ur­al state of preser­va­tion.

Remem­ber free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get em and go vote! (27Oct22)

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