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OPINION: House Built on a Sand Foundation, Cannot Stand, Oh No!

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

Why are Democ­rats so des­per­ate to cen­sor the speech of oth­ers if that speech does­nt com­port to their agen­da? Because lies, their lies, are unsus­tain­able hav­ing no foun­da­tion except deceit to sup­port them. Yet like Ger­manys Reis­chfhrer fr Pro­pa­gan­da, Dr. Joseph Goebbels said, tell a lie to the mass­es often enough and it soon becomes the truth. With today’s many avenues of com­mu­ni­ca­tion open to free thinkers it is a vain hope that the Democ­rats con­tin­u­ing pro­gram of lies and deceit can suc­ceed yet, they dou­ble down on their lies in open con­tra­dic­tion of real facts that can no longer can hid­den.

And Bidens White House supreme idiot for pro­pa­gan­da, French born press spokesper­son Karine Jean-Pierre, is the very face of duplic­i­ty, the stan­dard bear­er of the dou­ble speak non­sense on sub­jects of which she is total­ly clue­less. Except for her boss Joe Biden, she stands as a first among equals who meet Dr. Joseph Goebbels def­i­n­i­tion of a use­ful idiot. The abil­i­ty to lie with­out remorse is a rare gift indeed. Her great­est tal­ent lies in the fact that she is shame­less in her lying pressers with the White House Press Corps.

Demo­c­rat lies, or at least the ones they are push­ing at the moment is: Trump is bad, despite all failed pre­vi­ous attempts to involve him with Rus­sians, shady busi­ness deals, hold­ing clas­si­fied doc­u­ments and under­es­ti­mat­ing his prop­er­ty val­ues for mort­gage pur­pos­es among oth­er nig­gling offens­es, reveals their demen­tia. Trump owns them. He lives in their heads and some day, when they lie on their death beds won­der­ing what hap­pened, it will be the face of Trumps smil­ing down on them, not Jesus invit­ing them to their heav­en­ly reward. But thats it! They have no pos­i­tive record to run on so they lie about the one they do have, con­temptible fail­ure, and blame Trump and MAGA con­ser­v­a­tives for all the mis­eries Amer­i­cans are now endur­ing. They lie about the hav­ing a secure bor­der, they lie about the reces­sion and they lie about Green ener­gy and worst, the lie about cli­mate change when its just nat­ur­al weath­er!

Appar­ent­ly Democ­rats take com­fort from their lies not real­iz­ing that their favor­able feed­back comes from the like mind­ed inhab­i­tants in the DC Swamp who sup­port them, espe­cial­ly their media pro­pa­gan­dists. In their Trump trau­ma­tized lit­tle brains, its the lie they must cling to because of their des­per­ate need to stay rel­e­vant and retain their pow­er. The Democ­rats have used lies for so often they cant see the loss of their once reli­able vot­er base, Amer­i­cans of African descent and the grow­ing list of His­pan­ics vot­ers leav­ing them many stand­ing for pub­lic office as con­ser­v­a­tives. Those were once the eth­nic use­ful idiots who made the foun­da­tion upon which they con­struct­ed their tow­er of pow­er col­lapse like a sand cas­tle on the beach, slip­ping away with the Red Wave that reveals every lie. Does this mark the end of the Demo­c­rat Par­ty? Naw! I dont believe that for a moment. Con­ser­vatisms new ascen­den­cy, if its not screwed up by the pro­fes­sion­al Repub­li­can whin­ers who found a career slop­ping in the feed trough the Demo­c­rat left them may last a few decades but Social­ism, like a smol­der­ing ember needs only a puff of air to re-ignite into a rag­ing infer­no again if theres enough fuel (use­ful idiots) remain­ing to fan the flames. The fuel of course are the peo­ple with­out moral val­ues, stu­pid peo­ple who per­sist in accept­ing the Marx­ist sec­u­lar­ism they have been indoc­tri­nat­ed with and, they do so with­out remorse, regret or shame.

Many of todays tone and issue deaf Demo­c­rat can­di­dates for pub­lic office, when asked, pro­claim the neces­si­ty of mur­der­ing babies and the need to elim­i­nate cash bail for all pris­on­ers sit­ting in jails because they cant raise the mon­ey to get out. Actu­al­ly theyre sit­ting in jails because theyre crim­i­nals who prey of inno­cent cit­i­zens and many are recidi­vists as well.

The stut­ter­ing and con­fused alco­holic, Nan­cy Pelosi, is the face of the Demo­c­rat Par­ty. She is also the face of pure evil and her absence will not be missed by any­body except her pack­age store own­er. Were in des­per­ate times. These peo­ple will not vol­un­tar­i­ly give up their pow­er. If their pow­er is not sus­tained by the vot­er base, then they will steal it to keep it.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get em! (21Oct22)

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