Home / News/ OPINION: Is Transgender Terrorism Becoming the New Normal?

OPINION: Is Transgender Terrorism Becoming the New Normal?


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

99.3% of Amer­i­cans are not gen­der dys­func­tion­al. Most nor­mal peo­ple are repelled when con­front­ed by the likes of black wid­ow spi­ders, scor­pi­ons and rat­tlesnakes. These crit­ters bite and can cause sick­ness or death and we nat­u­ral­ly stand back because they are who they are.

Trans­gen­ders live in a world of lies and deceit and by their men­tal dys­func­tion are inca­pable of under­stand­ing their real sit­u­a­tion vis a vis get­ting along with oth­er people.

There are only three pos­si­ble gen­ders, male, female and neu­tral, those being the tru­ly born and rare clas­si­fi­ca­tion of hermaphrodite’s. They do exist, but are rare. When I was a young­ster, men who dressed up as women were referred to as “cross dressers” prob­a­bly going to a Hal­loween par­ty or some­thing. It was rare to see one so it nev­er pre­sent­ed itself as a dan­ger­ous prob­lem, only a loose mind not in touch with real­i­ty so, they were ignored. They’re ignored today, or were, until the Nashville Church mur­ders by a trans­gen­der female. They’re not to be ignored any­more, not because we have come to like them but because they have decid­ed to bite too.

Like many groups, trans­gen­ders have union­ized into a self-sup­port group called the Trans Resis­tance Net­work. Must be two or three of ‘em at a fax machine some­where. Their title leaves us uncer­tain if they are ‘resis­tant’ to being “trans­gen­ders” or ‘resis­tant’ to those who stand against the immoral­i­ty of the whole thing. Appar­ent­ly it’s the lat­ter because trans­gen­ders, only 0.9% of the pop­u­la­tion, appar­ent­ly have decid­ed to bite. Why? Because they lack accep­tance from their family’s, friends and co-work­ers and can­not abide the Bib­li­cal cen­sor of the Chris­t­ian church.

Con­sid­er the Trans Resis­tance Network’s state­ment fol­low­ing the Nashville mas­sacre of three nine year old’s and three adult victim’s. It was a pre­med­i­tat­ed homi­cide in a Chris­t­ian church by a female trans­gen­der who, for some incom­pre­hen­si­ble rea­son want­ed to be a male. The Trans net­work acknowl­edged the deaths of the six peo­ple but quick­ly made the shoot­er, Audrey Hale, a vic­tim too because she “felt (s)he had no oth­er effec­tive way to be seen than to lash out by tak­ing the life of oth­ers, and by con­se­quence, him­self (her­self).” It amazes me that these peo­ple, and the media, insist on per­pe­trat­ing the fic­tion that gen­ders are only in the mind of the behold­er and should be accept­ed. Maybe so if they hadn’t turned to shoot­ing or try­ing to shoot non-sym­pa­thiz­ers to their con­di­tion. Their state­ment tells us that “hate has con­se­quences” and warned us that trans­gen­der peo­ple “will not be erad­i­cat­ed or erased.”  Well, we can try, espe­cial­ly if they want to shoot up folks they don’t like!

In the past year or two, we’ve expe­ri­enced sev­er­al shoot­ings by sin­gle white males that quick­ly dropped from the news­feeds. Why was that? Is it because they were trans­gen­ders who lost con­trol of their com­mon sense? Very pos­si­bly!  The Buf­fa­lo shoot­er comes to mind. He (she) fits the pro­file. Why hasn’t Audrey Hale’s man­i­festo been released? What are they afraid of?

Between 2011 and 2020, their have been 160 mass shoot­ings. Beware of these fig­ures, the num­bers do not include the mass shoot­ings of rival black gangs in Chica­go, Bal­ti­more or Atlanta, et al, as the sta­tis­tics have been changed to fit the Left’s anti-gun nar­ra­tive. Some­times, two vic­tims, often includ­ing the per­pe­tra­tor, have been list­ed as vic­tims of mass shoot­ings. So, just be aware. The Left eschewed the fig­ures of Covid deaths to fit a nar­ra­tive too!  Any­way, 97.5% of shoot­ers were male. 29.4% were actu­al­ly work­place vio­lence, such as the recent Louisville, Ky., bank shoot­ing not count­ed yet, 25.1% were school shoot­ings, 74.6% were by the use of hand­guns and 54.8% were by white perpetrator’s.  Trans perhaps?

That being said, we’re now con­front­ed with in your face vio­lence by trans­gen­ders oppos­ing the air­ing of any view point that oppos­es their demands for equal rep­re­sen­ta­tion. Women’s sports is the pre­cur­sor of this vio­lence. Female swim­mer Riley Gaines, forced by the NCAA to com­pete against bio­log­i­cal male trans­gen­der com­peti­tors and speak­ing to a group of col­lege stu­dents was vio­lent­ly con­front­ed by male trans­gen­ders who threat­ened her phys­i­cal­ly, screamed in her face and she was forced to retreat to an emp­ty class­room for her safe­ty. Did the col­lege move to pro­tect her? Not at all. They sided with the Trans­gen­der assaulters claim­ing their protest was “peace­ful.” To her cred­it Gaines will no longer bow down to the trans­gen­der nar­ra­tive. Wom­en’s sports, once pro­tect­ed by Title IX, is in dan­ger of its demise by being flood­ed by male losers whose only com­pe­ti­tion sat­is­fac­tion is to beat women in some sport.

Most of Amer­i­c­as WOKE col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties are the crux of Amer­i­c­as dis­func­tion. When these peo­ple take up arms and claim Chris­tian­i­ty is the ene­my of democ­ra­cy, then democ­ra­cy like the schools that have aban­doned it them­selves, should be chal­lenged. Let’s start there. We got­ta start somewhere.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (13Apr23)


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