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OPINION: Its Immunity That Corrupts


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

The Marx­ist dom­i­nat­ed Demo­c­rat Par­ty has near­ly destroyed the once viable Amer­i­can cul­ture by its cre­ation of a wel­fare class sys­tem revers­ing Maslow’s “Hier­ar­chy of Needs” the most impor­tant of which is “Self-actu­al­iza­tion. Its accom­plished by plac­ing ‘vic­tims’ at the top of the pyra­mid and the cre­ators at the bot­tom. Oh, yes, the cre­ators will always be allowed to cre­ate or the finan­cial under­pin­nings of the wel­fare state would col­lapse. It’s the State that must pro­vide, not fam­i­ly or reli­gion. If nobody made mon­ey, how can the Democ­rats steal it?

Over the decades the grow­ing vic­tim class start­ed with the minor­i­ty black pop­u­la­tion, then the homo­sex­u­als, the trans­gen­ders and final­ly the sick, lame and lazy, lock­ing all these groups of peo­ple into the accep­tance of their sta­tus in the wel­fare state. This has total­ly upset the cul­tur­al and moral norms under which hap­py and pros­per­ous Amer­i­cans once thrived. Dur­ing the slow Marx­ist tran­si­tion, Amer­i­cans nev­er gave the change a sec­ond glance and the Social­ist have suc­ceed­ed up to the point they elect­ed a com­plete dys­func­tion­al, incom­pe­tent nin­com­poop to the pres­i­den­cy. It was Obama’s scheme to “fun­da­men­tal­ly change Amer­i­ca” couched under the guise of Cli­mate Change. The unfold­ing scheme scared us into believ­ing we would all die with­in the next twelve years if we didn’t pay our tax­es on car­bon. While cli­mate change was the oper­at­ing fac­tor for this non­sense, unbe­liev­ably, they added Can­cel Cul­ture and CRT want­i­ng us to accept as gospel crap like trans­gen­der men can have baby’s, lit­tle chil­dren can decide their gen­der, male or female while in Kinder­garten, and that trans­gen­der floor shows in school set­tings will add legit­i­ma­cy to their scheme of cre­at­ing poten­tial sex slaves for pedophiles. It’s sick­en­ing! The inmates have tak­en over the prison.

The Pro­gres­sives intro­duc­tion of “diver­si­ty, equi­ty inclu­sion,” mean­ing­less adap­ta­tions describ­ing trib­al­ism, have been foist­ed on real Amer­i­cans to the point that the dan­ger of the loss of our Repub­lic appears immi­nent. Those of us who refuse to sub­scribe to their non­sense are labeled “racists” and oth­er pejo­ra­tive’s, as tools to dri­ve us fear­ful­ly back into the herd. Dis­sent is not tol­er­at­ed and when it con­tin­ues, the odi­ous appa­ra­tus of the DoJ’s Gestapo is unleashed to make adjust­ments. Ter­ror­ism lies in the Marx­ist con­trolled Demo­c­rat Party.

All cul­tures pass through three basic stages of devel­op­ment in their march to real­iz­ing peace and tran­quil­i­ty start­ing as bar­bar­ians hud­dled with­in the shel­ter­ing walls of stout redoubts.

When the weak and unfit are sort­ed out and out­side ene­mies elim­i­nat­ed, they’ll arrive at civ­i­liza­tion where the arts and lit­er­a­ture, music and archi­tec­ture, phi­los­o­phy and reli­gion flour­ish but, when the skep­tics grow loud, the decline back into deca­dence and bar­bar­ic war­fare is but a quick one. In the process those con­tra­dic­to­ry posi­tions nec­es­sar­i­ly con­flict caus­ing chaos on our streets, piti­less mur­ders by one group against inno­cent peo­ple of anoth­er, then they turn on them­selves as well until we retreat back into bar­barism for our own self-defense.

Are we not near­ly there? Look at Amer­i­ca today. Black gangs in every major met­ro­pol­i­tan city tear­ing at the threads of civ­i­lized soci­ety; mass loot­ing of com­mer­cial estab­lish­ments, gun­fights in the open, car jack­ings, assault’s and assas­si­na­tions of police offi­cers on duty. Our soci­ety is at the cusp of col­lapse and for­eign vul­tures are sit­ting ready to pounce like buz­zards on a dying car­cass. Reli­gion was once the bind­ing glue that held us all togeth­er, but that the Marx­ist con­trolled Democ­rats have been pulling apart because with­out reli­gion, or a moral code that tells us “no” then, to the offend­er, their is no shame, no guilt and no redemption.

We’ve all heard the old meme, “Pow­er cor­rupts, and absolute pow­er cor­rupts absolute­ly.” Well,  that’s not exact­ly true. It’s immu­ni­ty that cor­rupts, not pow­er. If we look ratio­nal­ly at our cur­rent gov­ern­ment and how its Deep State elite crim­i­nal denizens have escaped the ret­ri­bu­tion of law, then we can eas­i­ly under­stand why we are, where we are.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (03Oct22)

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